Re: Everyone should take a look at this :

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Posted by Severyns on September 25, 1999 at 06:24:51:

In Reply to: Re: Everyone should take a look at this posted by Elmaster on September 25, 1999 at 05:45:16:

Obviously you didnt see the other page, I said
I am sure that Istendil and alot others from the
older days had a shitload of more kills than
I did. And according to Nepenthe my ratio was
something like 130 to 30 but you dont take into
the account the 6 times i died as a level 31
transmuter (died 6 times over and over when just
got into range as fact too) finally said fuck
this and quit for day. Also it does not take
into account the times that I died as a cat
which is quite a few cause i run around headless
attacking just as I used to. Finally, you can't
forget have the Immortals point to me and
watch me go up in smoke, those count as pk kills.
And Nepenthe cannot see how i died each time, he
can just see that I died this many and killed
this many. But I would say I died 9 times
as an eagle and had about 130 kills, that was
about right. As for the 9 deaths.....sure I
could have not died that many times, but what
is the fun of running around knowing you are
going to win all the time. I took risk, challenged
myself. Took on Vescae as bear, and Arkaine
when he had head, as example. This may be stupid
in your eyes, but I was tired so to speak
of always winning. I killed 58 people in a row,
until Grummore held me in town, and three arbies
and there special guards beat on me. And for
your info, during that fight Two of the arbiters
fleed at vulsing, the third got me(guard actually).
Situations like these existed, leading to my
9 pk deaths.

Ok didn't want to bring this up but since everyone
says that all these other birds are more 'bad ass'
than me.....

Krolairil- my friend, but uses wands all the
time, and if not have them, then will use
black aura or something like that. Also he
seems to always be about when the army of the
Empire is on, which gives him some easy deaths,
someone flees, all i do is flyto murder, they
dead in one hit.

Zaendiir- also my friend, but I am sorry, he
is scared to fight most everyone. Let me see
here, he fights those who are already ingaged.
I have seen him fly down and look at both people
fighting and attack the one that is less health this roleplaying? I don't think so!
Also, Zaendiir is scarabe right?? I am sorry
but He is always running around in groups other
than his cabal mates gang banging people.
Again I doubt seriously that this is roleplaying.

Imotep- never knew him or saw him fight so
can't say nothing in reguard to him.

Matrien- seen him fight(even fought against
with other character). He was pretty much
similar to me. Had good tactics in fighting,
but I have know idea about his roleplaying
ability so can't say much about that.

By the way anyother birds get special immortal
guards to come fly after them, cause nobody
else seemed like they could kill them? n/t

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