It's too bad masters just bring you to no recall rooms in mazes now then eh.(N/T):

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Posted by Imperial on September 30, 1999 at 10:58:17:

In Reply to: Let me just point out one thing... posted by Septach on September 30, 1999 at 09:22:57:

> You're concerned that heroes will have to band together to defend themselves against nightgaunt attacks. Well...maybe. I've had many an ass whoopin from nightgaunts, but since they've been toned down they aren't that bad. You can't be summoned into rooms anymore, and I think that was the biggest problem (aside from the fact that at first they would kill you before bringing you back =P).
> But, I think the smart hero will always find ways to overcome the gaunts. Personally, I was disgusted with them at first, and then disgusted with myself for being so disgusted (if that makes any sense). I just got off my ass and tried to find ways to beat them. As far as I can tell, there's no easy way to win unless you're stacked with gear and ready. However, once they bring you to their masters, you do have a split second to escape.
> As far as being smart goes: when it's night, and you see conjurors, you better be ready if you know they don't like you.
> You seemed to think that they hurt the rp atmosphere of cf, which perhaps is a valid concern. But I'm not really sure taking out trip so you -can ditch your equipment- is a great validation for this line of thinking.

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