Sko, Brinnin, Qitrang, Haszak, Baelind, and Ceric vs. Hilcroft, Hargrave, a tiger, Valacar, and.. uh.. never mind. Chaos. And hardly anybody dies.:

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Posted by Hargrave on October 02, 1999 at 17:01:42:

[Exits: north east west]
The severed head of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
The corpse of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
(White Aura) Hilcroft is here.
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
Baelind is here.
A tiger has arrived.

<858hp 345m 692mv>
You hear an angry tiger roar.
Ceric utters the words, 'uwwarahuai'.
Softly chanting, Ceric steps up to a tiger with his hand outstretched.
Like a lover's caress, he slowly traces a line down a tiger's arm.
Ceric's immolation DISMEMBERS a tiger!

<858hp 345m 692mv>
You hear an angry tiger roar.

<858hp 345m 692mv>
Baelind yells 'Die, Hilcroft, you sorcerous dog!'
Hilcroft narrows his eyes and glares in Baelind's direction.
Hilcroft's heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Baelind!

<858hp 345m 692mv>
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
A tiger's claw EVISCERATES Ceric!
A tiger's claw EVISCERATES Ceric!
Hilcroft's blow falls on empty air.
Baelind's ring flares with a bright white light!
Baelind's shocking grasp injures a tiger.

<858hp 345m 692mv>
Valacar yells 'Die, Brinnin, you sorcerous dog!'
Valacar yells 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'
A tiger thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
A tiger's immolation hits him.

<858hp 345m 692mv>
Ceric leaves north.
Ceric has fled!

<858hp 345m 692mv>
Necthryn has arrived.
Hilcroft narrows his eyes and glares in Baelind's direction.
Hilcroft's heavenly wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Baelind!

<858hp 345m 692mv> n

Hilcroft's blow falls on empty air.
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.

<858hp 345m 692mv>
Necthryn leaves west.

<858hp 345m 692mv> The Mesa

[Exits: east south]
The corpse of Sko is lying here.
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.

<858hp 345m 688mv>
Ceric gets the girdle of endless space from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets firewalker boots from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets the mask of Urkhulash from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets the Bracelet of Bifrost from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets the ring of fortitude from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets a gnarled oaken staff from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets a gnarled oaken staff from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets the ring of fortitude from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets the pouch of nourishment from the corpse of Sko.
Ceric gets chrome wand from the corpse of Sko.
Valacar yells 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'

<858hp 345m 688mv> get all corpse
You get a pair of blackened leggings from the corpse of Sko.
You get a pair of blackened arm guards from the corpse of Sko.
You get Five-Color Dragonscale Mail from the corpse of Sko.
You get a poncho made from shambling mound remains from the corpse of Sko.
You get a pair of fulminator gauntlets from the corpse of Sko.
You get the Bracelet of Bifrost from the corpse of Sko.
You get some taglo jerky from the corpse of Sko.
You get chrome wand from the corpse of Sko.
You get a halberd inscribed with a dragon from the corpse of Sko.
You get a seashell ring from the corpse of Sko.
You get some taglo jerky from the corpse of Sko.
You get a silverpike fillet from the corpse of Sko.
You get chrome wand from the corpse of Sko.
You get 153392 gold coins from the corpse of Sko.

<858hp 345m 688mv>
You yell 'Die, Ceric, you sorcerous dog!'
Ceric utters the words, 'uwwarahuai'.
Your blow falls on empty air.

<858hp 345m 688mv> dirt ceric
You kick dirt at Ceric, but it strikes something unseen before hitting him
Your kicked dirt misses Ceric.
Ceric yells 'Die, Hargrave! You dirty fool!'
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<858hp 345m 688mv>
Baelind has arrived.
You parry Ceric's burning touch.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Your claw mauls Ceric.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your blow falls on empty air.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
Baelind's pierce wounds you.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv> crush

Hilcroft has arrived.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv>
A tiger thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
A tiger's immolation hits him.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv>
Valacar yells 'Die, Brinnin, you sorcerous dog!'
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv>
A tiger bites Baelind.
A tiger's bite wounds Baelind.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv>
Leirin has arrived.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<840hp 345m 688mv>
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
You parry Ceric's burning touch.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Your blow falls on empty air.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Baelind's pierce hits you.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<829hp 345m 688mv>
Ceric utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
The gods protect Hilcroft from Ceric.
You hear an angry tiger roar.
Ceric's fireball MUTILATES a tiger!
Ceric's fireball wounds you.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<811hp 345m 688mv>
Leirin leaves south.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<811hp 345m 688mv>
Lightning flashes in the sky.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<811hp 345m 688mv> You lace your fingers together and hammer your fists at Ceric!
Your crushing blow EVISCERATES Ceric!
Your crushing blow knocks Ceric down!
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<811hp 345m 688mv>
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
You parry Ceric's burning touch.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your blow falls on empty air.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Baelind's pierce hits you.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<801hp 345m 688mv>
Leirin has arrived.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<801hp 345m 688mv> crush

Valacar tells the group 'dead'
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<801hp 345m 688mv>
The white aura around your body fades.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<804hp 350m 713mv>
A tiger's blow falls on empty air.
You parry Ceric's burning touch.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your claw wounds Ceric.
Your claw misses Ceric.
Baelind's pierce mauls you.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<783hp 350m 713mv>
Baelind sings 'Who will believe my verse in time to come,
If it were fill'd with your most high deserts?
Though yet, heaven knows, it is but a tomb
Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts.'
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<783hp 350m 713mv> gt need sanc

Baelind yells 'Die, Hilcroft, you sorcerous dog!'
Hilcroft narrows his eyes and glares in Baelind's direction.
Hilcroft's heavenly wrath DISMEMBERS Baelind!
Ceric has some small but disgusting cuts.

<783hp 350m 713mv>
Ceric utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
The gods protect Hilcroft from Ceric.
You hear an angry tiger roar.
Ceric's fireball MUTILATES a tiger!
Ceric's fireball mauls you.
Ceric's burning touch MASSACRES you!
Your claw wounds Ceric.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Baelind's pierce devastates you!
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<667hp 350m 713mv> You lace your fingers together to jab at Ceric but miss.
Hilcroft's blow falls on empty air.
Hilcroft's blow falls on empty air.
You dodge Ceric's burning touch.
Your claw wounds Ceric.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Ceric dodges your claw.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
Baelind's pierce MUTILATES you!
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<625hp 350m 713mv> Ceric utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
The gods protect Hilcroft from Ceric.
You hear an angry tiger roar.
Ceric's fireball *** DEMOLISHES *** a tiger!
Ceric's fireball *** DEVASTATES *** you!
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479hp 350m 713mv>
You get in one more shot on Baelind as he flees.
Your parting blow mauls Baelind.
Baelind leaves south.
Baelind has fled!
A tiger follows Baelind and pounces on him!
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479hp 350m 713mv>
Leirin utters the words, 'paghz'.
Ceric is moving more quickly.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<479hp 350m 713mv>
Ceric's burning touch MUTILATES you!
Your blow falls on empty air.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Your blow falls on empty air.
Ceric parries your claw.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 350m 713mv>
Valacar tells the group 'at least we killed sko'
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<437hp 350m 713mv> flee

Ceric utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
The gods protect Hilcroft from Ceric.
Ceric's fireball DISMEMBERS you!
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<373hp 350m 713mv>
Hilcroft leaves south.
Leirin leaves south.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<373hp 350m 713mv>
You dodge Ceric's burning touch.
Your claw MUTILATES Ceric!
Ceric parries your claw.
Ceric parries your claw.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<373hp 350m 713mv>
Ceric utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
Ceric's fireball DISMEMBERS you!
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<320hp 350m 713mv>
Baelind yells 'Die, Hilcroft, you sorcerous dog!'
Baelind has arrived.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<320hp 350m 713mv>
You parry Ceric's burning touch.
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Your claw maims Ceric!
Your claw misses Ceric.
Ceric parries your claw.
Your claw MUTILATES Ceric!
You dodge Baelind's pierce.
You parry Baelind's pierce.
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<320hp 350m 713mv> You tell your group 'need sanc'
Ceric is covered with bleeding wounds.

<320hp 350m 713mv> On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The severed head of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
The corpse of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
(Invis) Lexor is here.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
(White Aura) Hilcroft is here.
(Burning) (White Aura) An orange and black striped cat lies in wait here, ready to pounce.
You flee from combat!

<320hp 350m 709mv> e

A tiger thrashes around screaming as he is consumed by fire!
A tiger's immolation wounds him.

<320hp 350m 709mv>
Hilcroft leaves north.
You follow Hilcroft.
The Mesa

[Exits: east south]
The corpse of Sko is lying here.
(White Aura) Hilcroft is here.
Baelind is here.
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.
A tiger has arrived.

<320hp 350m 705mv> On the Mesa River

[Exits: north east south west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Qitrang is here.
A tiger has arrived.
Hilcroft has arrived.

<320hp 350m 698mv> s

Hilcroft closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You are surrounded by a white aura.

<320hp 350m 698mv> On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The corpse of Valacar is lying here.
Arianna is here.
(Charmed) A fiery demon from the underworld hovers over you.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Brinnin is here.
Hilcroft has arrived.
A tiger has arrived.

<320hp 350m 695mv> exam corpse
The corpse of Valacar is lying here.
When you look inside, you see:
The corpse of Valacar contains:

<320hp 350m 695mv>
Hilcroft scans east.

<320hp 350m 695mv>
Hilcroft scans west.

<326hp 357m 720mv>
Leirin has arrived.

<326hp 357m 720mv>
Acheron steps out of the shadows.

<326hp 357m 720mv>
You yell 'Die, Brinnin, you sorcerous dog!'
Brinnin utters the words, 'wunsohar tiuyz'.
Brinnin's mental knife sears your mind!
Brinnin's mental knife injures you.
Brinnin is in perfect health.

<311hp 357m 720mv> gr

Hilcroft leaves west.
Brinnin is in perfect health.

<311hp 357m 720mv> Hargrave's group:
[51 Tra] A tiger 53% hp 70% mana 100% mv 592086 xp
[51 Inv] Valacar 10% hp 17% mana 100% mv 532825 xp
[51 War] Hargrave 36% hp 95% mana 96% mv 518009 xp
Brinnin is in perfect health.

<311hp 357m 720mv>
You yell 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'
Haszak utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
You hear an angry tiger roar.
Haszak's fireball *** DEVASTATES *** a tiger!
Haszak's fireball mauls you.
The gods protect Arianna from Haszak.
Brinnin is in perfect health.

<290hp 357m 720mv>
Valacar tells the group 'ALL YOUR SHIELDS ARE DOWN'
You dodge Brinnin's stab.
A tiger's claw decimates Haszak!
A tiger's claw devastates Haszak!
Brinnin parries your claw.
Your claw mauls Brinnin.
Brinnin parries your claw.
Your claw injures Brinnin.
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<290hp 357m 720mv>
Brinnin utters the words, 'wunsohar tiuyz'.
Brinnin's mental knife injures you.
Valacar tells the group 'just a warning'
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<276hp 357m 720mv> flee

The edges of a tiger's being stretch and twist and he returns to normal.
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<276hp 357m 720mv> On the Mesa River

[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!

<276hp 357m 717mv> scan s

Brinnin has arrived.
The fiery demon has arrived.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
(Crackling with Electricity) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Haszak is here, fighting Letaen.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
(Translucent) Qitrang is here.
(Burning) Letaen is here, fighting Haszak.
Arianna is here.

<276hp 357m 717mv> s

You yell 'Die, Brinnin, you sorcerous dog!'
Brinnin utters the words, 'wunsohar tiuyz'.
Brinnin's mental knife MUTILATES you!
No way! You are still fighting!
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<236hp 357m 717mv>
Arianna has arrived.
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<236hp 357m 717mv> flee

You parry Brinnin's stab.
Brinnin's hammer pendant glows briefly.
Brinnin's the ring of regeneration glows bright blue!
Your claw decimates Brinnin!
Your claw devastates Brinnin!
Brinnin has a few scratches.

<236hp 357m 717mv>
Arianna leaves south.
On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The corpse of Valacar is lying here.
Arianna is here.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Qitrang is here.
You flee from combat!

<236hp 357m 714mv>
Leirin scans east.

<236hp 357m 714mv>
Brinnin has arrived.
The fiery demon has arrived.
Arianna leaves north.

<236hp 357m 714mv>
You yell 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'
Haszak utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
Haszak's fireball devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Haszak has a few scratches.

<204hp 357m 714mv>
You parry Haszak's slash.
Your claw injures Haszak.
Your claw hits Haszak.
Your claw hits Haszak.
Your claw wounds Haszak.
Your claw hits Haszak.
Haszak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<204hp 357m 714mv>
Letaen tells the group 'get out'
Lexor yells 'hilcroft strangled'
Haszak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<204hp 357m 714mv> flee

Qitrang stops using chrome wand.
Qitrang holds the staff of wonders in his hands.
Hilcroft yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Haszak has some small but disgusting cuts.

<204hp 357m 714mv> On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The severed head of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
The corpse of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
(Burning) Letaen is here.
You flee from combat!

<204hp 357m 713mv> e
On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The corpse of Valacar is lying here.
(Charmed) A fiery demon from the underworld hovers over you.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Brinnin is here.
(Crackling with Electricity) (Pink Aura) (White Aura) Haszak is here.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Qitrang is here.

<204hp 357m 712mv> e

Valacar tells the group 'word if you can get out.... now'

<204hp 357m 712mv>
Brinnin leaves.
The fiery demon leaves west.
Hilcroft yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<204hp 357m 712mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east west]

<204hp 357m 711mv>
Hilcroft tells the group 'strangled'

<204hp 357m 711mv> n
On the Mesa River

[Exits: north south west]
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.

<204hp 357m 708mv> Hilcroft yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<204hp 357m 708mv> s

Ceric scans west.
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Burning) Letaen is here.

<204hp 357m 705mv> e

You yell 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'
Haszak utters the words, 'qaihfarrze yucandusbarr'.
Haszak's fireball devastates you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
On a Bridge Over the Mesa River

[Exits: north east west]
The corpse of Valacar is lying here.
(Charmed) A fiery demon from the underworld hovers over you.
(Translucent) (White Aura) Brinnin is here.
(Pink Aura) Leirin is here.
You flee from combat!
Letaen yells 'Die, Haszak, you sorcerous dog!'
Haszak's fireball injures you.
You sure are BLEEDING!
On the Mesa River

[Exits: north east south west]
You flee from combat!

<158hp 357m 701mv> On the Mesa River

[Exits: north south west]
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.

<158hp 357m 695mv> Hilcroft yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<158hp 357m 695mv>
Ceric leaves south.

<158hp 357m 695mv>
Valacar tells the group 'I'll come to word you guys'

<158hp 357m 695mv>
Hilcroft yells 'Help! Someone tried to assassinate me!'

<158hp 357m 695mv> n
On the Mesa River

[Exits: north east south west]

<158hp 357m 689mv> e
On the Mesa River

[Exits: north west]

<158hp 357m 683mv> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<158hp 357m 683mv> On the Mesa River

[Exits: south west]

<158hp 357m 676mv> l
On the Mesa River
You are on a gentle river running through a mesa of rock nestled
among the mountains. The river flows from a cave in the cliff side
far to the south and through the mesa. Above you snow covered peaks
reach towards the sky, dwarfing everything around them. The ground
along the river bank is flat and rocky, with little vegetation to be
seen. The river continues to the south, while to the east it plunges
over a steep cliff falling to the valley below. The mesa continues
to the west.

[Exits: south west]

<158hp 357m 676mv> The Merchant's Wagon

[Exits: east south west]
A man stands next to a beat up old wagon.

<158hp 357m 667mv> s
On the Mesa River

[Exits: north east south west]

<158hp 357m 660mv> s

You slowly float to the ground.
You feel yourself slow down.

<163hp 362m 685mv> On the Mesa River

[Exits: north south west]

<163hp 362m 679mv>
Letaen tells the group 'get out'
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north east west]
(Translucent) (White Aura) Qitrang is here.
(Crackling with Electricity) (White Aura) Haszak is here.

<163hp 362m 676mv> s

Qitrang utters the words, 'yrl'.
Qitrang's feet rise off the ground.
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<163hp 362m 676mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<163hp 362m 676mv> e

Leirin has arrived.

<163hp 362m 676mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south west]
The corpse of an Imperial Centurion is lying here.
(Swirling Air) Ceric is here.

<163hp 362m 675mv> Alas, you cannot go that way.

<163hp 362m 675mv> s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 674mv> s
Letaen tells the group 'quaff your return'

<163hp 362m 674mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 673mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 672mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 671mv> The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]
Arianna is here.

<163hp 362m 670mv> Arianna leaves south.

<163hp 362m 670mv> e
A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: north east]
Arianna is here.

<163hp 362m 669mv> s
A Bend in the Imperial Road

[Exits: south west]

<163hp 362m 668mv> s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 667mv> s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]
Alzixtar is here.

<163hp 362m 666mv> s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 665mv> s
The Imperial Road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 664mv> s
Between Two Partially Constructed Towers

[Exits: north east south west]
(White Aura) A slave quietly builds, obeying the commands of the Engineer.
(White Aura) A slave quietly builds, obeying the commands of the Engineer.
(White Aura) A slave quietly builds, obeying the commands of the Engineer.
(White Aura) An Engineer commissioned by the Empire oversees the construction of the Towers.

<163hp 362m 661mv> s
Arianna yells 'Help! Alzixtar is bashing me!'

<163hp 362m 661mv> s
Entrance to the village of Balator

[Exits: north south]
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 658mv> s
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A storm giant warrior student spars with another student here.

<163hp 362m 657mv> s
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A svirfneblin warrior student growls and attacks her opponent.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 656mv> s
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A cloud giant warrior student is trying to look graceful with little success.
A human warrior student trains in battle and tactics here.

<163hp 362m 655mv> s
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 654mv> s

Hilcroft tells the group 'get out'
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A human warrior student trains in weapons and combat here.

<163hp 362m 653mv> whe
On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A villager passes by on their way about town.
Terminator, arial ninja and Baron of Chaos, is here causing trouble.

<163hp 362m 652mv> On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A small piece of bone carved into a circle lies here.
Water splashes forth from an ornate fountain.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 651mv> On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]

<163hp 362m 650mv> On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.

<163hp 362m 649mv> On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]

<163hp 362m 648mv> On the main path through the village

[Exits: north east south west]
Sko is here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 647mv>
Sko leaves north.
Entrance to the village of Balator

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 646mv> On a dirt road just outside Balator

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 645mv> On a dirt road south of Balator

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 644mv> Hilcroft tells the group 'I've got some wierd ass song on me'

<163hp 362m 644mv> On a dirt road south of Balator

[Exits: north south]
A human member of the Balator town watch keeps the peace here.
A villager passes by on their way about town.

<163hp 362m 643mv> On a dirt road

[Exits: north south]

<163hp 362m 642mv> On the Merchant's Road

[Exits: north south]
A human sentry keeps watch over the Merchant's Road.

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