Style points awarded to Neblarkan = 1,000,000 pts.:

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Posted by `Shady on November 16, 1999 at 23:51:14:

In Reply to: A log that holds a special place in my heart. posted by Neblarkan on November 16, 1999 at 22:38:34:

> You whisper 'Want to hear a story?'

> Bacrie says 'aye'

> You whisper 'Rest up then friends.'

> say And i will tell you a tale of tragedy and woe

> You whisper 'And i will tell you a tale of tragedy and woe'

> Tuehrin says 'Who might you be?'

> say It's me, the shadowed figure

> You whisper 'It's me, the shadowed figure'

> smile

> You smile happily.

> say Just sit back and enjoy it ok?

> You whisper 'Just sit back and enjoy it ok?'

> Tuehrin smirks.

> say Is that a threat giant?

> You whisper 'Is that a threat giant?'

> say I can have you evicted from the inn.

> You whisper 'I can have you evicted from the inn.'

> Bacrie says 'let us here thy storie the road has been long and I yearn for a good tale'

> Tuehrin says 'I was practicing, I choose to now wield my real weapons.'

> Tuehrin says 'If you take it as a threat, perhaps you should explain yourself.'

> say It takes place in an inn such as this one.

> You whisper 'It takes place in an inn such as this one.'

> say You see. It was the end of a war.

> You whisper 'You see. It was the end of a war.'

> Bacrie says 'do go on'

> say A long bloody war in which many brave men fought and died.

> You whisper 'A long bloody war in which many brave men fought and died.'

> Bacrie nods.

> say The patrons of the inn from both sides of the war embraced in friendship and laughter.

> You whisper 'The patrons of the inn from both sides of the war embraced in friendship and laughter.'

> say Except one.

> You whisper 'Except one.'

> Tuehrin raises an eyebrow.

> Bacrie quaffs a long draft of mead as relaxes

> say He sat alone at the bar quietly sipping his mead.

> You whisper 'He sat alone at the bar quietly sipping his mead.'

> say The bartender noticing this.. approached this lonely man.

> You whisper 'The bartender noticing this.. approached this lonely man.'

> say He said to the man, 'Ock lad, why tha long face, the war's over! Smile!'

> You whisper 'He said to the man, 'Ock lad, why tha long face, the war's over! Smile!'

> say The man snorted something disdainfully at the barkeep. And sipped his mead quietly.

> You whisper 'The man snorted something disdainfully at the barkeep. And sipped his mead quietly.'

> say As the men and their women were dancing upon the floor to their favourite bards.

> You whisper 'As the men and their women were dancing upon the floor to their favourite bards.'

> Tuehrin holds the stein out for the unseen storyteller, but opts to drop it.

> Tuehrin drops a stein of charred wood, filled with a drab, colorless mead.

> say The quiet man got up, walked over to one. And did this.

> You whisper 'The quiet man got up, walked over to one. And did this.'

> ass
> You glide out of some shadows behind Tuehrin, grab his forehead, pull his head back, then slice his throat with your dagger.
> Tuehrin pitchs forward, blood gushing from his throat, and collapses.
> Tuehrin is DEAD!!
> Tuehrin spills his guts all over the floor.

> <596hp 558m 534mv> exam corpse
> hide
> The corpse of Tuehrin is lying here.
> When you look inside, you see:
> The corpse of Tuehrin contains:
> a dark wool cloak
> a large saddle bag
> one-horned helmet
> a pair of dwarven gloves
> a pair of silver-gray sollerets
> sturdy iron belt
> a serpent-scale torso
> some blue dragonscale leggings
> ( 2) an amethyst ring
> a braided silver bracer
> (Glowing) a flame red cape
> an ornate silver battle-axe
> a grey bracelet
> a white surcoat
> a shield marked with a red horse
> ( 2) a practice axe
> a leather backpack
> blood-soaked cape
> a pair of golden sleeves
> a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
> a practice sword
> (Humming) a huge axe named `Shockwave'
> [Hit Return to continue]

> <596hp 558m 534mv>

> <596hp 558m 534mv> get gold corpse
> hideYou step out of the shadows.
> You get 10903 gold coins from the corpse of Tuehrin.

> <596hp 558m 534mv> hide
> You attempt to hide.

> <596hp 558m 534mv> say End of story.
> You whisper 'End of story.'

> <596hp 558m 534mv>
> Bacrie whistles appreciatively.

> <596hp 558m 534mv>
> You can stalk again.
> You feel less aware of your surroundings.

> <596hp 558m 534mv>
> Bacrie says 'an interesting tale that was'

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