Wow. A bone hunting knife. *drools*:

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Posted by Neblarkan on November 23, 1999 at 15:37:13:

In Reply to: Lich vs. Law posted by Zorszaul on November 23, 1999 at 15:23:48:



> ** Targlok manacled me in Udgaard. I managed to flee from his special guards and the hordes of Udgaard guards and end up outside the east gate. I ran into the mountains, and this is what followed. **

> Doktha tells you 'Quinthen in Arial city bub!'

> You tell Doktha 'I have my own problems'

> Doktha tells you 'Really! Me too'

> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 6 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 6 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 6 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 6 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 24 hours.

> Doktha tells you 'They involve non-caring incompassionate dead beats'

> The snow begins to fall.

> Targlok has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.

> The special guard yells 'Zorszaul is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!'
> The special guard DISMEMBERS you!
> The special guard yells 'Zorszaul is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!'
> You parry the special guard's pound.
> The special guard is in perfect health.

> You parry the special guard's pound.
> The special guard's pound wounds you.
> The special guard's pound mauls you.
> Your cleave wounds the special guard.
> Your cleave decimates the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash MUTILATES the special guard!
> The special guard is gushing blood.

> Targlok looks at you.
> The special guard's pound wounds you.
> The special guard's pound decimates you!
> You parry the special guard's pound.
> The special guard's pound wounds you.
> You parry the special guard's pound.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound devastates the special guard!
> The gods protect Targlok from a ghoul.
> The gods protect Targlok from a flesh golem.
> Your cleave wounds the special guard.
> Your cleave mauls the special guard.
> A ghoul's pound MUTILATES the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash EVISCERATES the special guard!
> The special guard is DEAD!!
> You receive 0 experience points.
> You hear the special guard's death cry.

> The special guard's pound maims you!
> Your cleave decimates the special guard!
> The special guard dodges your cleave.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound MANGLES the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound devastates the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound MUTILATES the special guard!
> The gods protect Targlok from a ghoul.
> A flesh golem's slash devastates the special guard!
> The special guard is covered with bleeding wounds.

> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier rescues you!

> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound MUTILATES the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> The gods protect Targlok from a ghoul.
> A flesh golem's slash EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound maims the special guard!
> The special guard is DEAD!!
> You receive 0 experience points.
> The special guard's severed head plops on the ground.

> Targlok sacrifices the corpse of the special guard to the gods.

> Targlok sacrifices the corpse of the special guard to the gods.

> Targlok leaves south.

> People near you:
> Targlok On a Mountainside
> (PK) Zorszaul Crossing a Ravine

> Crossing a Ravine
> Slightly down from the tall mountain peak to your south, you cross a small
> ravine high in a chain of mountains. The walls of the ravine obscure most
> of the view of the surrounding mountains, but it'ss just as well, it's all
> the same brown rocks. A ridgeline is up and to your north, the
> mountain path works its way back south to the mountainside.
> [Exits: south up]
> The severed head of the special guard is lying here.
> (Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
> (Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
> (Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.

> whois t
> [ Felar ] Til the Sharper
> [ Human ] Trelor the Magician
> [ Elf ] (PK) Tathlyn Ceredente, Black-Fingered Minstrel of Mirth
> [52 Dwarf AVA] (PK) [BATTLE] Thror HammerSong the Barbaric Warlord of Rage
> [ Cloud ] Toth the Hero
> [ Human ] [ARBITER] Targlok the Dishonorable

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok A Pass in the Mountains
> (PK) Zorszaul Crossing a Ravine

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok A Pass in the Mountains
> (PK) Zorszaul Crossing a Ravine

> u
> On a Mountain Top
> [Exits: north down]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> You are too exhausted.

> where
> People near you:
> (PK) Zorszaul On a Mountain Top

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 5 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 5 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 5 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 5 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 23 hours.

> l
> On a Mountain Top
> You are near the top of a towering mountain high up in a large range of
> mountains. Looking around, you see other mountain peaks with long ridges
> running between the peaks and separately deep valleys. The brown rock is
> covered lightly with light blue haze that sits suspended on mountains. To
> your north, one of these ridges stretches out far into the distance and down
> and to the south, a ravine separates you from another peak.
> [Exits: north down]
> (Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.
> (Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
> (Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.

> who pk
> [ Human ] (PK) [ENTROPY] (WANTED) Jagaub the Night Hero
> [ Elf ] (PK) Tathlyn Ceredente, Black-Fingered Minstrel of Mirth
> [ D-Elf ] (PK) Quinthen the Hand of Faith, Imperial High Priest
> [ Felar ] (PK) Nesam the Reborn Herald of the Spirit, Leader of Battle
> [52 Dwarf AVA] (PK) [BATTLE] Thror HammerSong the Barbaric Warlord of Rage
> * Lich * (PK) [ENTROPY] (WANTED) Zorszaul the Hero of the Undead
> [ Gnome ] (PK) [ARBITER] Denglod the Hero of Alteration
> [ Human ] (PK) Armisael the Knight Hero, Eternal Soldier
> [51 Human War] (PK) [DAWN] Grylon the Knight of Dawn, Hammer of Hope
> [55 Human IMM] (PK) [TROUPE] Amaranthe the Goddess of the Harvest Moon
> [ Felar ] (PK) Sierothe the True Student of Battle
> [ Dwarf ] (PK) Esach the Captain
> [ Human ] (PK) Daerinsen the Hero of Alteration, Servant of the Dawn

> Players found: 13

> where
> People near you:
> (PK) Zorszaul On a Mountain Top

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 4 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 4 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 4 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 4 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 22 hours.

> where
> People near you:
> (PK) Zorszaul On a Mountain Top

> Doktha tells you 'I just think your afraid of em thats all'

> Targlok has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.

> The special guard yells 'Zorszaul is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!'
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> The special guard EVISCERATES you!
> The special guard yells 'Zorszaul is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!'
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> The special guard's slash maims you!
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> Your cleave mauls the special guard.
> A flesh golem's slash misses the special guard.
> A ghoul's pound EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound devastates the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound MUTILATES the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound MASSACRES the special guard!
> The special guard is covered with bleeding wounds.

> You parry the special guard's slash.
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> The special guard's slash EVISCERATES you!
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound misses the special guard.
> The gods protect Targlok from a zombie of an elite storm giant soldier.
> A ghoul's pound MASSACRES the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound devastates the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound maims the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash misses the special guard.
> A flesh golem's slash MUTILATES the special guard!
> Your cleave wounds the special guard.
> The special guard is DEAD!!
> You receive 0 experience points.
> The special guard's severed head plops on the ground.

> You parry the special guard's slash.
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> Your cleave misses the special guard.
> Your cleave wounds the special guard.
> The gods protect Targlok from a flesh golem.
> A ghoul's pound DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> The gods protect Targlok from a ghoul.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound DISMEMBERS the special guard!
> The gods protect Targlok from a zombie of an elite storm giant soldier.
> The special guard is covered with bleeding wounds.

> You parry the special guard's slash.
> You parry the special guard's slash.
> Your cleave mauls the special guard.
> Your cleave wounds the special guard.
> A flesh golem's slash maims the special guard!
> A flesh golem's slash mauls the special guard.
> A ghoul's pound maims the special guard!
> A ghoul's pound EVISCERATES the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound MASSACRES the special guard!
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier's pound EVISCERATES the special guard!
> The special guard is DEAD!!
> You receive 0 experience points.
> The special guard's arm is sliced from his dead body.

> Targlok sacrifices the corpse of the special guard to the gods.

> Targlok sacrifices the corpse of the special guard to the gods.

> Targlok sits down and rests.

> Targlok looks at you.

> Targlok stands up.

> Targlok leaves down.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok Below a Summit
> (PK) Zorszaul On a Mountain Top

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 3 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 21 hours.

> l
> On a Mountain Top
> You are near the top of a towering mountain high up in a large range of
> mountains. Looking around, you see other mountain peaks with long ridges
> running between the peaks and separately deep valleys. The brown rock is
> covered lightly with light blue haze that sits suspended on mountains. To
> your north, one of these ridges stretches out far into the distance and down
> and to the south, a ravine separates you from another peak.
> [Exits: north down]
> The sliced-off arm of the special guard is lying here.
> The severed head of the special guard is lying here.
> (Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.
> (Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
> (Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.

> n
> On a Ridgeline
> [Exits: north south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> n
> On a Ridgeline
> [Exits: east south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> A Mountain Peak
> [Exits: west down]
> You step into a raging snowstorm!
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> d
> At the Base of a Mountain
> [Exits: north up]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok Below a Summit
> (PK) Zorszaul On the Plateau Road

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 3 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 3 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 21 hours.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: east south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> whe
> People near you:
> Targlok Below a Summit
> (PK) Zorszaul On the Plateau Road

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: east west]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> e
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north east west]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok At the Base of a Mountain
> (PK) Zorszaul On the Plateau Road

> Targlok has arrived.

> Targlok leaves west.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 2 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 2 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 2 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 2 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 20 hours.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> n
> On the Plateau Road
> [Exits: north south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok On the Plateau Road
> (PK) Zorszaul On the Plateau Road
> (PK) Denglod At the Bottom of a Rock Face

> n
> At the Base of a Mountain
> [Exits: south up]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> n
> Alas, you cannot go that way.

> u
> Above a Plateau
> [Exits: north down]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> n
> On a Ridgeline
> [Exits: east south]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> e
> A Mountain Peak
> [Exits: west down]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> d
> In a Mountain Range
> [Exits: north up]
> A flesh golem has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 1 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours.

> n
> You are too exhausted.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 1 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok On the Plateau Road
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram On a Mountainside

> l
> In a Mountain Range
> The path you are now was well made and offers fairly easy passage
> considering you are now going through a mountain range. The path twists
> and turns through the valleys so that you don't have to walk straight over
> the tall, brown-rocked peaks. All around you are both small and tall
> mountains all the way to the horizon. The mountain path continues to the
> north but rises steeply to the south.
> [Exits: north up]
> (Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
> (Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
> (Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok A Mountain Peak
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram Below a Summit

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 1 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours.

> n
> You are too exhausted.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 1 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours.

> People near you:
> Targlok Crossing a Ravine
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram On a Ridgeline

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 1 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 1 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 19 hours.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok Crossing a Ravine
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram A Mountain Peak

> get metallic sack
> A strange metallic wand: you can't carry that many items.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 0 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 18 hours.

> put faceted sack
> where
> You put a faceted jasper phylactery in a sack.

> People near you:
> Targlok Crossing a Ravine
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram On the Plateau Road

> l
> In a Mountain Range
> The path you are now was well made and offers fairly easy passage
> considering you are now going through a mountain range. The path twists
> and turns through the valleys so that you don't have to walk straight over
> the tall, brown-rocked peaks. All around you are both small and tall
> mountains all the way to the horizon. The mountain path continues to the
> north but rises steeply to the south.
> [Exits: north up]
> (Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
> (Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
> (Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.

> whe
> People near you:
> Targlok On a Ridgeline
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram At the Base of a Mountain

> n
> In a Mountain Range
> [Exits: east south]
> A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
> A ghoul has arrived.
> A flesh golem has arrived.

> whe
> People near you:
> Targlok A Mountain Peak
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram Above a Plateau

> c pow ram
> You can't get your hands free.

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 0 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 18 hours.

> The snow begins to fall.

> where
> People near you:
> Targlok On the Plateau Road
> (PK) Zorszaul In a Mountain Range
> (PK) a grizzled ram A Mountain Peak

> af
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies damage roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies hit roll by -5 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies armor class by 48 for 0 hours.
> Skill: 'manacles' modifies dexterity by -10 for 0 hours.
> Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 18 hours.

> A grizzled ram has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.
> The special guard has arrived.

> Your shackles dissolve.

> c pow ram
> The bellowing of a ram startles you.
> You point to a grizzled ram and say 'Die'.
> Your word of power vaporizes a grizzled ram's mind and he dies instantly!
> You hear a grizzled ram's death cry.
> The special guard slowly fades away.
> The special guard slowly fades away.

> order all get all corpse
> A flesh golem gets a circlet of dark metal from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a wide bronze belt from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a pair of armguards from the snow worm from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets an invitation from the Empress from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a strange metallic wand from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a pitch-black ring from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a large sack from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets the cobbler's shoes from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a braided circlet of dusty red crystal from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a long, dark, leather cloak from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a charred leather bracer from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets stoneware jug from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a leather hunting bracer from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a pair of earthen gloves from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a pitch-black ring from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets torso from the snow worm from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets a bone hunting knife from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets spider-skin leggings from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets an Arbiter's Tower Shield from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> A flesh golem gets 37301 gold coins from the corpse of a grizzled ram.
> Ok.


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