Re: questions about this battle:

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Posted by Vex on August 26, 1999 at 07:07:19:

In Reply to: Re: questions about this battle posted by gidget on August 25, 1999 at 19:13:42:

> Vex, thanks so much for your detailed comments, especially those in the combat log itself (I posted the reply under Re:hmm before realizing there were comments in the log itself).
> So, you said that he was possibly getting a "You're too scared" when trying to flee. That is a result of demonfire, I'm guessing? That's a pretty vicious commune :)

As I look over it, yeah, Harandor could of been getting a PANIC! if his wimpy was kicking in, but looking over the log, I realized that Harandor's pass door has been dispelled, so if Harandor was watching closely, he wouldn't of been trying to flee, but if he missed it, that woulda thrown him off. If I was Harandor in all those events, I'd probably stop caring about the fight, and start chuckling to myself realizing that a horde of younger imperials was gonna do a get all on his corpse, and the first one to pick up defiance....


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