An explanation...:

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Posted by The master... on September 02, 1999 at 03:41:02:

In Reply to: Nevermind the fact that your exp in your score and group don't match :P (n/t) posted by Heh on September 02, 1999 at 03:29:43:

> > You have scored 357291 exp, and have 21345 gold coins.
> > You need 3209 exp to level.

> > <452hp 536m 571mv>
> > The portal flashes with red light, and a horned demon steps into view.

> > The horned demon screams and attacks!

> > The horned demon is repulsed by your celestial circle.

> > <452hp 536m 571mv>c ‘darkbind’ horned
> > Uttering words of power, you bind the horned demon to your will!
> > The horned demon follows you.

> > <452hp 436m 571mv>gr
> > [41 Mob] The horned demon 100% hp 100% mana 100% mv 0 xp
> > [41 Con] XX 100% hp 69% mana 100% mv 212205 xp

> > <452hp 436m 571mv>grin
> > You grin evilly.

Notice that the experience loss occurs after the demon strikes the celestial circle? Well, if you are dumb enough to attempt to protect yourself with this circle from outer planer beings, you experience a serious drain when they strike your shield. That is why they have designed two different forms of the circle. In this case, by casting the wrong circle, I was able to deflect the demons advances, but suffered a 140K exp loss.

See? .. It's all good. (Nepenthe did say we would pay a LARGE price for blazing the trail.. he wasn't kidding)

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