Posted by Astillian on July 16, 2000 at 20:35:06:
In Reply to: [CON-DIE] Nivek the Thief Hero, Paragon of Modesty, Servant of the Dawn posted by Nivek on July 16, 2000 at 13:28:29:
> Yes, I added that title there. It sure would have been nice to have though. My first hero, my first cabal. I had a good time with Nivek and learned a lot of things. The role command came in at rank 47 or so - I really didn't have much of one. I tried to play the charmer with women and as most of you who knew me in the game realized, i wasn't very successful. What can I say. I wish I could show you all my role and description, but the telnet window closes as soon as you log-off, and I wasn't able to get a chance to copy it befoire I died. I thought CON went all the way down to 1 before you died permanently. Mine was at 4 so I thought I had a few left. Oh well. Below is a long, long list of the people I interacted with. I wrote it a month or two ago, so if I had just met you, you probably have been left out. No offense intended. I started this character last december and wanted to power-rank him to hero, which i more or less did, in my own slow way. Starlan inducted me, probably thinking I would be militant like him - the impression I got, anyway - but I wasn't. So there. Nivek didn't really care about anything for the last 50 of his 400+ hours. That probably reflected my boredom with the character. Any questions? I love getting email. > Chaldaie -What can I say? You were eveything to nivek. His whole world revolved around your words. I am sorry Salanaun beat me to you; also sorry you wouldn't marry so late in life. It would have been fun. Thank you for letting me tag along on some of your adventures. I learned much exploring with you. > Milia -You were sort of cold to Nivek, but I know now that it was just in your role to be that way. Glad to be on your good side. what ever happened with that demon-possesion-thing? Yes, Nivek loved you too, as he was always a sucker for a pretty girl. > Shadasias -Old Man, I wish I had gained ranks faster so that I could have traveled with you. Thanks for rescuing me from those killer wargs when I was first inducted. > Giacomo -Glad we traveled together. seems you started that massive dawn-exodus, but oh well. We had no warriors after you left but some are here now to try and fill your dwarf-shoes. > Azerak -One of my closest friends. I regret not having interacted more deeply with you. Thanks for being there for me. > Beaekdic -I am happy you were granted Immortality. I lived life knowing I could never be like you were. You made Nivek more knowledgable about duty and made me examine some of my more cowardly actions. > Samsil -Sorry you got bored. Wish you had stuck around. > FIrhindil -Yes I forgive you, Iradin, although thethought of our wedding still turns my stomach. No offense, you played a great wife - wish we could have ranked together. > Ceorkhan -Wish I had seen more of you, Goose. Our travels were too few. > Arasow -THanks for being a friend when Nivek needed you most. Never saw you much after you married. Was fun pestering the crap out of you, though. > Shalandria -You'll never know what you missed when you chose Arasow *wink* > Salanayn -You left. Why? > Ashaxreyn -Thank you for being patient. Glad to know you as a mortal and happy to see you Imm. The Paragon will not forget you. > Aekeruo -Where did you go? > Ilobel -Where did you go too? > Dalarin -Wish I had seen you about more often. Thanks for taking me exploring. > Kevorkian -Hope you learned your lesson. That was the best thing I've ever seen on this MUD. > Vironas -We never did beat Crimbun and get that treasure, did we? YOu were Nivek's closest friend late in his life and I thank you for it. We had a blast together, whether it was talking, re-equipping lowbies or annoying arasow. Email me, please. > Quinthen -Glad you Imm'ed and wish you could have stayed there. The whiz just has no staying power. I finally got over to Jim's, by the way. Geno's makes the better steak by far. > Manshoon -Sorry to see you delete. I had a good time interacting with you. > Mithadris -THe only necromancer I think I will ever like. I was proud to call you my friend, though others thought it strange. Sorry you did not make Lich. Would that have affected our characters' interaction? I'd like to think that it would not. > Graeluumn -You were the only thief I ever identified with - sort of. All the other thief-heroes were ragers of imperials. Wish we could have grouped, but are you on the other side of the planet? always on when I'm going to sleep... > Jeurno -Hope you found the duck. Where on earth did you go? > Zorszaul -You killed me six times that night. The next one was mine. > Shinkoujinei -Nivek feared you more than anything in Thera. I'll leave it at that. > Brakolin -Glad I could help you raid. Sorry I could not help you defend. > Sadrach -Very nice title. Sorry you left, or have you? > Minalcar -You have the best title I have ever seen. We had good interaction, and piss on the idiots who say all ragers don't roleplay. I think you killed me more on accident than on purpose. > Ashet -Nice hips. > Graddar -Glad Drayman and Felysha and I kept you around a little longer. It was cool to interact with such a good bartender. > Drayman -*nods wisely* Yeah, but not sagaciously. Sorry I missed the wedding. > Jacynth -Nivek would have stopped time for you if you had told him to do so. Sad to say, you were something completely unattainable. He just wasn't even close to a good enough character to be Imm'ed. Might that have changed your decision? > Proserpina -Not only would Nivek have stopped time, but he would have left it that way to spend an eternity with you. Thank you for the quality roleplaying and the drinks at the bar. I appreciate both. Would you have EVER considered wedding Nivek? > Khraven - I wish you hadn't deleted. A pair of Aces, the two of us thieves together. I never visited the bar as much after you died. Please drop me a line. > Khiravn and Brandeval -It was fun to group with you both. Glad I could offer what little assistance I was able to provide. > Markianise -Whatever anyone else said, you were Nivek's friend and he had Faith in you. > Yarnty -Quite possibly the funniest character I ever met. Fog o lights! is the funniest crap I think I've ever heard. > Sapials -Ghost of the Forest, where did you go? > Serameir -Nivek's first love. Maybe if we were in the same time zone, things would have been different... > Sephinroth -Missed you when you left. Was fun while it lasted though. Did you ever get into Sylvan? > To the Imms: > Selric and Raisa - Good job, I wish I could have been a better Servant in your eyes. > Balgrimnr -Ok I'm dead now. What did I do wrong? > Astein -I sure hope you're one hell of a nice guy in RL. I'd hate to think your attitude wasn't just a role. Thanks for interacting with me. > Well, that's all for me. I hear people talking about their pk ratios. I'd love to find out what mine is, how do I do that? If I think of anything else, I'll post it later. Again, I like getting email, so don't anyone be a stranger. Tips and strategies and criticisms are welcome.