[DELETED] Ivan the master of copper, Servant of the Dawn:

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Posted by Pendragon_Surtr on July 17, 2000 at 20:33:12:

Well, this was a failed character all around.
I originally rolled him up with the idea of interacting with his "long lost brother" a "dwarf with a green beard and thought he was a druid". But when Pikel imm'ed before I saw him in person, I thought sending a tell to him would be too cheesy, I lost my interest in this character, playing only enough to keep him from autodeleting in hopes that I would get inspired again. That didn't happen and I wasn't interested in chasing after a long lost brother that I would never find. I played him with the role that he didn't _want_ to kill anyone, but if attacked, his dwarvish blood would boil and he would lose control of his actions, going into a berserker rage. Anytime that he wound up killing his attacker, he would go to Guerric's shrine to pour out his feelings and to forgive himself for the unneccesary taking of a life. I don't think Guerric ever saw one of these episodes, or at least he never gave a sign that he had. Ivan only killed 3 people, but only died 4 times, not too bad for being a target of Thera. Anyways, to the farewells.

Dawn-You were like family to me and I would do anything to help any of you.
Chaldaie- I really liked interacting with you, can't believe you have lived for as long as you have. You must have the luck of the gods.
Ashaxreyn, the Bard of the Heavens,- I enjoyed seeing you around, alot of times it was just the two of us. I hope you get promoted. Now get to work on your area so it will happen!! :)
Vironas-Ah, the kooky assassin that interviewed me. I'll remember your antics for eons. Take care.
Now to address something Ivan saw as a spreading disease within the ranks of Dawn.
I saw many servants becoming bloodthirsty and actually _wanting_ to kill people. If I remember correctly we are supposed to bring faith and hope to the world, I don't know of much bloodshed that has brought about faith and hope. I don't suggest that we just lie down and take a beating, but I think that becoming as militant as we have is the wrong direction also. I could handle a few servants wanting to kill, but alot of times that is all I would hear. Servant tells you 'Theres an Imperial Soldier in the lands, want to help me hunt him?' I hope that this new militant attitude that is spreading through the ranks doesn't wind up destroying dawn like it did the knights. Farewell Dawn, perhaps I'll be back in another incarnation.

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