Nothing special:

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Posted by v_vega on July 18, 2000 at 10:36:46:

Well i'm obsessed with felarīs and a month ago i rolled a felar ranger, wrote a description and a begining for a role. I ranked him to seventeen and had him fairly trained - going for perfectly trained, then realized that i don't like rangers and deleted. This is nothing special but still something read while cf messes with our emotions.

Here stands an cream white spotted but otherwise brown fela.
All of his body is covered with lustreless thick fur.
He canīt be more than 4 and a half foot tall.
Heīs got triangle formed dark brown ears with a white spot
at the tip of each ear. Two small sapphire blue eyes peers
intensly straight at you. His thin lips have a pink-greyish
colour and seem to have some bruises. His mouth is half-way open,
with his tounge hanging out of his mouth just a bit and
you get a glimpse of his sharp shiny white teeth. On his cheek
sits another white spot. He seems to be a very fit Felar,
a slim body though still quite muscular. The thick dark brown
fur is filled with mud, grassstraws and leafs. It seems to
protect him from both blows and chilly nights. At the end of
each paw sits a lethally looking set of claws. He has a white
spot on each paw, well they probably are white under all that
dried up mud and coagulated blood. He wears multicoloured cape
about his body, it seems to be made out of a variety of animal furs.
At his waist he wears a broad black cloth belt covered with grey
grey inscriptions. On the belt hangs a small pouch with a beautiful
flower embroided upon it,the pouch is made of glistening lightgreen silk.

My childhood, My Escape.

I was born the First "real" summerday that year, it was
early in the morning and the birds were singing and the sun
were shining. The green fields were were covered flowers with
in all colours and wet of dew. I was the third child my
mother consieded, out of four. The fourth time something
went wrong and she lost the child, after that my mother
never were the same woman. Back to the morning of my birth,
my sister and one of the Servants helped my mother deliver
me. My father wasn't at home, he seldom is. My father is the
great duke Cisqar Yoaiz. He works and spends most of his
time in the castle Camelot and allmost never comes home to
our Manor just east of BlackClaw, in the Dwarf forest.
If some one would ask me to describe him with two words
I would say: - Evil and Selfish. Being one of the nobleman
whom controlls Camelot he only looks out for his own best
and not the poor and weak whom need to be helped and protected.
My father comes home two months a year to Hunt and check
that his estate is in order. When I was five years my father
took me with him on one of his hunting trips and it was then
I fell in love with the nature. The wild and raw woods was
nothing like our garden at home, it was so much more alive
and thrilling. It was full with life and I know in the forests
is where I belong. The hunting part of the trip made me sick,
to kill something, not because you need the food but for sports.
When we returned from the trip a week later I told my father
that I wanted to be a Ranger. He told me that it's not
a profession for a noble man as my self. I would be trained to
the place in the council my father held when he got to old.
But I'm not interested in politics and this led to conflict and
at my fourteenth birthday I left home to never comeback. I sought
out the Ranger Guild in Haon Dor and my application got accepted.

Goblin Raiders.

I travelled in the Silverwoods the other day and got waylayed by
goblin bandits or Raiders as they are called. This can't go on
bandits waylaying innocent people like that. I have therefor decided
to build a camp here and fight them off. This will hopefully make
more people willing to leave the cities, if only for a moment, to see
the beauty of the woods.

As I said nothing special.

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