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Posted by DL on July 19, 2000 at 15:20:37:

In Reply to: Desc+Role, tell me what you think posted by Infuriated on July 18, 2000 at 11:57:36:

> Infuriated:

> Clad in the attire of a true nomad, a tall lean duergar stands before you, weapon in hand. Dark gray skin adorns his body, as he stands motionless, resembling a statue in some strange way. Large and hooked, his nose seem somewhat like a hawks in some strange manner, as it sits between two plain black eyes which stare at you, resembling two dull onyx stones amidst a mountain of stone. Along his grizzled face a wicked grin is etched on his boulder-like lips. Rugged and worn, a dirty white beard flows down to his waist, tucked deep under his belt buckle. Wildly tossed red hair rushes down like a waterfall along his back, swaying back and forth gently, as a cold wind blows against it. Blooded animal skins, poorly crafted, drape about each and every curve, revealing his muscular body. Standing proudly, he is nearly 5’ in height, a giant amongst the common dwarven kin, as he glares around himself.

> Background: Chapter One:

> It’s cold in this wretched wasteland, yet the giants rule here with an iron fist, their leader Jumnarl a terror unmatched, barking orders at these proud beasts as they obey like obedient dogs. I have adapted as the giants have, for at one time I am sure they were of the same kin the mighty Lord of the Flaming Crown is, a fire giant. I have slain the great elk, which roam this wasteland, there fur is quite thick and warm, excellent for survival in the cold, it works quite well, even though the blood has frozen unto my skin, the cold is my home now.

> I traveled for quite some time in this miserable desert of ice, when I stumbled upon a cavern in the blinding snow, it all seemed like a maze, as at each turn I found myself where I began, until the cavern beckoned me to come. I went deeper into the cavern, frost giants could even fit in there, and the ceiling was nearly 20’ high! It seemed like a boulder has opened a massive wound in the towering mountain, which stood so high above my head.

> I found a refuge from the snow, deep in the cavern, a blinding silver light shined from a hole in the ground, though it seemed made perfectly, rounded, almost god-like, as I crept closer I stumbled and fell, right in front of a mighty blazing giant, which towered above my head.

> He called himself and held a mighty shaft baring the emblem of the great Ebony Warlock, Zulghinlour; I had found the shrine of my Lord. Silver gates stood ahead, though guarded by the giant, I gazed closer as I read the words, I come seeking the Lord of the Flaming Crown, suddenly the giant grinned at me, as he replied ‘I shall notify him of your desire’, as he instantly returned to post, guarding the glorious shrine of the great Zulghinlour.

> Background: Chapter Two:

> I have seen many great men, and what makes them great, is not there ability to kill, not there heavy sacks of gold, or there friends, it is the respect which they command, it is the leadership they bring. Leadership is needed to rule over a powerful army, and a prosperous economy, those that fail to bring what they promise, and fail as leaders are always overthrown by those more powerful. Respect is demanded by the strong, from the Victories that they hold, from their Passion to strive for their belief, and the Knowledge, which illuminates their mind.

> Often a simple soldier, can command more loyalty from the soldiers with him, then the Emperor himself, as he is the one fighting by there side, he is the one which is on the battlefield proving his worth as a Leader. Emperor after Emperor has sent their soldiers to do everything, but all men and women are but mortals, pawns beneath the Divine Kings and Queens. Great leaders must understand that the soldiers create the army, and that the army cannot gain Victory without a worthy leader at there side, it is the Leader which must lead the front lines, speak to the men, rally them, and inspire them to fight ten-fold, so that even the bloodthirsty barbarians of Battle, will cower in fear.

> Fear is a tool which can be utilized to unimaginable proportions, it strikes the heart so strong that even the greatest of warriors, fall beneath it. Those that fear cannot raise their sword in defiance, or raise their voice to create a new hope, to overthrow or cull. Only those with enough Knowledge know that fear is but a tool, as are all the aspects, which forge their leadership, each small tool used in assembling them and their army.

> Great Leadership not only comes from the Leader but the men and women around him, one man cannot do everything, and so must choose his followers wisely, his closest comrades must be those who also have the Passion to strive and attain Victory, above any opposition. Spineless cowards are not to be tolerated in a great army, those that fear or disobey their leaders wishes are to be punished, in unthinkable ways, so that others understand they too will feel the same suffering if they are not loyal to there oaths. No mercy is to be shown to those that are foolish enough to disregard the laws which have been set before them, as once stated, fear is a tool which can be utilized to unimaginable proportions, and those that fear punishment shall not disobey!

> I shall take the crumbling Empire and allow it to rise to its true potential; it shall show the dreaded barbarians true purity, the purity of Order and Power. It shall restore the true laws which belong in the cities, arbiter laws are but blind laws used to cage the chaotic, only for them to gather there strength until one day they will burst from there confinement and reign there terror. Those that are defiant shall be taught through the cruelest of punishment.

> The Scarabs and Entropists shall know there primal instincts are so crude that they will not hold in a society with boundaries and order. Such primal and barbaric ways are for the weak of mind, and shall not be allowed, they too shall be culled and formed into new citizens, acceptable by the society around them. Such madmen can only be taught by ruthless shocks to the mind and body, the purity which they seek will only lie in there twisted dreams, and die with them.

> The Sylvan Warders believe that nature gave us life and the world, which we breathe and live in. I doubt such foolish philosophies have any truth in them, they and the false hope which the Servants of the Dawn brings are all but illusions for the weak, peace and order cannot come without a worthy leader to organize and function a prosperous economy.

> All the cabals shall be culled, and there false philosophies ripped apart, all there icons and precious relics shall he placed where they belong, in the Throne of the Emperor, and I know that one day the true philosophy and destiny of the Empire shall reign true over all else.

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