Nice excuse...(j/k) Your charactor was well roleplayed. Sorry to hear about your connection troubles. (n/t):

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Posted by Observer on July 19, 2000 at 15:56:32:

In Reply to: Well, this will be short, ....I promise. posted by Motiak, Imperial High Priest on July 19, 2000 at 15:52:01:

> Well....I can not be back...and it is a physical thing, not a mental thing...

> To make a long story short, a Virus corrupted the file system on my computer, forcing a format, about two weeks ago, I got it re-immaged, but have yet to be able to find a device driver for my modem (= no internet) it is both a hardware, and a software problem, and I just do not have the funds to fix it at this time. I would have written this note earlier, but this is the first time I have been able to get to a computer with internet access in two weeks(my parents, have a state away). Anywhooo...

> No-one can be as pissed as me at this developement. I rolled Motiak as a challenge in rp for me, a kind of role I have never tried, ONLY because I KNEW I would have at the LEAST 3 hours a night to devote to him. Oh well.

> I beleive I was making a strong argument for myself taking the throne, and even might have had a small chance at just that if I actually could play as much as I wanted least 3 hours a night...with 5-6 hours being my target. I know that I may have let more than a few characters down (those who I convinved into my schemes). But it just could not be helped. I would post a striped version of my Role if I had it, but my copy was lost in the format. It was rather long, and I had endeavored to keep it up to date with the events in my life...I was proud of it, it was my best as of yet.

> Now for the part where I talk to people...(will be short)
> To:
> The Conjurers, thieves, and transmuters, and various assundry characters (in the troupe, in Masters, and independant) who were the reason Motiak was worth while for the most part.
> For those of you who do not know, Motiak actually had a real, rp-ed circle of spies that worked for him, and actually gave him much information that I was using against fellow Empires (the reason I anethed that healer, a conji spy of mine was listening to him, and he was stupid enough to betray me out loud). I have known chars in the past that would rp as if they had a ring of spies, but none of them actually went out and convinced other players to spy for them...I am kindof proud of the way I went about it, and the rp interactions it brought me were priceless.

> To:
> Astein.
> BOY am I sorry, I can not say how sorry I am. I don't think I can express just how thankful and appreciative of our two interactions I am. I could have, and have been in the past, empowered and tat'ed with FAR less effort...and I absolutely LOVED the fact that you were playing it hard (comparatively, I know you could have ripped me a new one easily). For a Long time, I could not understand what exactly I was saying and doing wrong...and about a week before this happened to my computer, I had a flash go off in my head, and I KNEW. I KNEW. DAMNIT. I tried to contact you, and would have kept trying, using my new understanding of your religion, had this not happened. It was rough, being the only priest that followed you that I ever met, between you not being forthcoming on what you expected, and having no other players with which to discuss what should be, or is, your was rough...and I LOVED IT!!!!. I really feel that I had nailed it there at the end, and wish I could have tested my ideas against you.

> To:
> Empire.
> Well, I had planned to use you as a tool, I planned to get the throne (although, if I didnt I had a way to turn that to my rp advantage) I planned to be around ALL THE TIME, and do mass inductions...I planned to bring back the inter-character intrigue that was NON-existant when I was inducted, and I think that while I was around, I succeeded to some extent.

> I will be back, when I can afford to get connected to the internet again.
> Motiak
> (here is where I would list my past chars...but they are irrelevant to this post ;)

> ps. I will send an email to the imms requesting this, but I have never received a responce to the 3-4 emails I have sent their way in the past 5 I will also put my request here....just incase someone read this far (alright...a pipe dream...but humor me)

> I lack the ability to get back on to copy my role again, or my score, or my desc, or even delete....If an imm would send my role and/or score and/or desc to, I would be eternally greatfull...I put alot of hours, both online and offline, in the development of Motiak, and would hate to just lose all of the fruits of that labor of love. And if you could please delete motiak after you send me the role and his eq goes back into the pool.

> Thanks.

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