Newbie? My ass, that was some small rp thing n/t:

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Posted by Simka on July 20, 2000 at 01:51:50:

In Reply to: Farewell (extremelly long) posted by Magtograme on July 11, 2000 at 17:25:10:

> My farewells

> I died my last death arfter grabbing the orb (yay for me).. nicely timed centurions at the crossroads i was knocking down to make sure Barsimmon could drop the orb off.. empire war master turned up with a polearm... this wouldnt have been a problem except the archmage had weakened me for 25 hours (and was at half health)so I was unable to use my weapons... and I fled thirsted the wrong way to die to a chargeset.

> Magtograme died of con death (suprise suprise) - for the last 4 weeks or so, ive been playing nearly every day, probably averaging about 3 hours (I was playing alot before then too). I had 22 con the day Minalcar turned on the village... and given another 10 minutes before he went nuts (a very cool night I must add - apart from the lag) I probably would have made it to hero. Being the only one in the hero masters range for that length of time had its obvious problems, and I was hunted and gang attacked for the duration (with few exceptions).

> the quick list first...

> dawn.. didnt know any of you really

> sylvan.. likewise

> entropy.. ditto

> arbiters.. Quintius, Imbrogno - fought with you guys a bit... the war was a crock.. Im glad I got to end it, would have liked to get on better terms with you Imbrogno.. but you had to go delete...

> masters.. Jafel (never did get to wear you), Betazenth (I dont like you :) only once did I actually manage to get dressed before fighting you - you started off gang attacking me, full looting and sac'ing my gear... it got better, but only just. Shenara, Mersilia both of you, enjoyed talking with... I really would have liked to follow up more on what I was trying to achieve but shit happens. Azhak (sp?) (Ive forgotten your name.. master, air major you know who you are - really enjoyed fighting you) All the others im missing too.. some spam cone of cold invokers Ive forgotten the names of etc. Although I was easy meat (without the head.. and sometimes with..) I think I scared a few of you (very nearly had a number of you a number of times)

> svyatopolk - didnt like you.. taunting etc was a crock. Never really figured out how to fight the paladins.. not that I was actually wanting to fight you guys anyway.

> Battle, I was inducted by Dhaevor.. lots of names of those I ranked with, fought beside etc, Coaric, you stuck it out, dying as much as myself (possibly more)... your con obviously must have been alot lower than mine. Artagel.. would love to know what happened to you. Gruntok, Leit, Ioanis, Praxxis all enjoyed interacting with you. Im missing a ton of names... Of the new crowd, Zaahk who seems to be the only one I inducted still in the village (apart from Aneidra)... Tastianna, Jerprata.. you guys were doing well I thought... if you had stayed in character you may have gotten back into the village. Barsimmon all the others good shit.

> empire.. simka from newbie to warmaster... id say you have to get the award for most improved player :)
> I remember you looting my corpse (hero gear when I was pre rank 30) and then walking into the destructor and dieing. Devlel a few other names come to mind.. had some nice run ins with groups of for or so... died each time, but made at least 2 of them flee convusling...

> The whole leader thing....
> I thought it was pretty cool to be made leader (I will post the log of that only if one of the battle imms says its ok).. I had alot of things I wanted to do, which never came to fruition. I was pretty happy with everyone in the village that I had inducted, and things were looking up until we all got uninducted and Aneidra was made leader... I think that was a mistake (no problems with her being a leader) everyone being uninducted I think was wrong (Im damn sure the note didnt say anything about writing a note if you dont turn up).. and if it was supposed to be takin for granted that was mine and Artagels fault alone. I thought it damn rude. I also had posted a note to battle just in case (which I think boltthrower missed).. real life things prevented me from getting gems (that and the server was crashing every couple of minutes the night before), it was just rude to come back into thera and find myself uninducted, and also have to read about it on the forumn while at work rather than know why this had happened - I also put making sure the head was in the throne above getting the gems.. didnt feel I needed to have to tell anyone this. anyway shit happens and life goes on.

> I had alot of support from a ton of hero ranked chars.. was really cool to get the grats.. and alot of people seemed even more pissed off than myself when I wasnt leader anymore.

> battle imms.. when I did get to interact with you guys it was all good. Specially Thror... and Kastellyn its cool to see you around... If I fucked up (Im not sure if I did anything else wrong).. i would really have loved to have been told to my face.

> it was a big thing for me to make sure everyone i inducted knew that they were to con die.. no other death is acceptable.. so even though I felt kinda smacked around, I was always going to make sure thats how I finished off (not that I really wanted to die mind you.. but it was inevitable) - Magtograme would never ask for anything (leadership, con quest etc) it wasnt his style.

> The biggest regret I have is not updating or using my role enough. magtograme was pretty simple, but he had alot of cool things happen to him which I never thought to right down. I tried to simply be the cookie cutter type rager who I think was missing a bit from village at the time. I died a ton, because I would always rush back to the village knowing full well there was a gang of masters raiding and I had little to no chance of winning.

> Enjoyed playing this character immensely and from now on I think i will stick to one char only.

> May take a short break and have a whack at diablo2 (which has alot of cf type skills btw)

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