I think it was star trek 5... The Undiscovered Country? (n/t):

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Posted by A coder on July 23, 2000 at 19:30:26:

In Reply to: What about star trek? ..III was it? N/T posted by Ashiim on July 23, 2000 at 18:14:07:

> > > > > I lived a wonderful childhood! With parents who loved me and, friends who cared for me. I have always loved my life, no matter if bad things happen. I grew up in Akan with all my family. When I was of the age of 20 my parents, who always wanted me to be a holy man, sent me off to the healers guild in Ofcol for me to train. The first thing they told me to do was take an oath, never to touch a bladed weapon, ever. I took the oath, so excited with what was to be. But, it was not to be. After a few months of training the Guildmaster told that I was not in tune with the deities and could not become a healer. I was crushed, but I realized, thus is fate, nothing I could do. My dream, my parents dream gone like the wind over the blasted ocean. Even though I could not become a healer I still promised myself I would hold to the oath of never touching a bladed weapon. When I returned to my parents and told them the bad news, they were disappointed, and still wanted me to make something of myself. Again they sent me to Ofcol, this time to the warriors guild. All the other warrior students laughed at me! Laughed! All because I would not touch a dagger or axe, or even a sword, which most of them used. The Guildmaster never understood my oath, but didn’t shun me for it. He taught me brilliant battle tactics with maces and staves and even my bare hands. To this day if you ask me whom I admire most, it would be the Guildmaster in Ofcol. I never was one to give up a dream, I still hold to many of the holy ways, and will never become a barbarian like some of the students that I trained with are fated to be. With pride in my heart and a mace in my hand, I will strive to help people, like the healers in the stories my mother told me, never wavering, until I reach my goal.

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