A role for a dead assassin.:

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Posted by Søren/Xelangs role on July 25, 2000 at 05:33:17:

This was my first attempt at a role with some meaning. To bad I misunderstod some things about the cult. Perhaps the next one will make it. Comments will be most welcomed.


I first noticed Xelang when she was but a small child. She could have been no more than nine, perhaps teen. Yes, teen at most. She seemed odd and misplaced, as a kitten alone in the rain. Perhaps, in
retrospective, she was a tiger in a light drizzle. When I started watching her it became clear to me that she was indeed deferent from the other misfits of Galadon. She quickly learned to dodge and flee, wait and
then retaliate with force. Why she is called Xelang, I have not been
able to find out. It doesn't sounds typical Galadoneisan, nor have I been able to track it down it's origin. It could come from somewhere south of New Thalos, I get side-tracked here for that I am sorry. I would watch her from the shadows, fighting with the older boys with a fierceness and devotion I had not seen for some time. Then I lost her for some
time as I had some dealing in another part of the country. When I
returned from Sentryn Xelang was almost fourteen, but again, it is hard to guess the age of someone not of your kind. But let us say she was fourteen. She was already at this point adept at sneaking and hiding, and at times I could swear she was the one watching me and not the other way around. I believe it was around this time I realised that ever since Xelang was a kid I had been appraising her, evaluating her and planing for her future. Xelang should become an assassin within my guild. One day I caught her in some petty theft from the Bar I was
frequenting at this time, The Copeham Inn. I told her, bare in mind here that I was around 45 at the time with a great build and a fearsome aura around me, My name was feared and my actions was known, if not
spoke of, across the land, that I would report her to the Inn-keeper and the Galadon Enforcer if she did not do my bidding. She simply replied " Do what you must ". I was taken aback at this blant acceptance of
faith, so I let her go.

Time passed, with no entries concerning Xelang.

When I next time approached Xelang she must have been around eighteen, an adult in her own eyes. With that in mind I spoke to her again, as an adult. As I write this I see that my commitment to this project have not been 100%. Never have I thought about how she was, what she felt nor how she eat or slept.
Strange, I guess she never looked like she was in any kind of need except for some medical care here and there. Anyway, I got a street-boy to tell her to
meet me at The Copeham Inn. She showed up. Xelang is not beautiful, but she do have remarkable eyes, eyes that I can not lie to, so I laid down the cards. I told her we wanted her to join the guild of assassins. After a short time she said she would join on one condition. Always like this, a condition, her way, why can't she never just do things without forcing her will ? Xelang wanted a
private life, a life outside the guild where she could pursue any dealings she wished. This time I was the one that accepted blanty, for I guess I really
wanted to know her.
Xelang quickly became an excellent assassin. The only flaws I could find was her bloodlust and her never-ending demands from the people surrounding her. Often she would use violence to force her will, even on the very people that considered her there friend. Xelang is now well trained in the art of killing. Much she have still to learn, but she know the basic and she have informed me she wish to travel for a time. I know the futility of refusal.

Time passed, with no entries concerning Xelang.

Xelang have returned to continue her training. Good, I feared the Guild had lost one so talented to the wildness of her heart. However, it seems she now not only train in stealth, combat and death, but also she have developed an interest in the spiritual side of life. She have sought information from our network
concerning the Cult of the Scarab. She claims she is just helping a friend, but we all know this to be a lie.

Time passed, with no entries concerning Xelang.

Xelang came into the guild yesterday. Her body had been severely hurt. She
must have experienced defeat, and thing I doubt she can take lightly. When I
approached her about it, I saw at once that something else was terrible wrong.
Not only was she physically broken, but the look in those eyes told me more
then she could ever explain me. That is if she ever told us anything of her
feelings. I wonder what news she had received, for she was but a husk of her
former self. Not only did she accept the treatment of out healer, but she even
thanked him. This is by no means the Xelang I have known for so long. No
matter what had put her in this state, it did have one good outcome. Xelang
informed me this very morning that she would take up the training within the
guild. This is good, perhaps with hard physical training the scars on her soul
will heal as well.

Time passed, with no entries concerning Xelang.

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