Re: Your forgot me bitch and your!!!! WiTHERING!!! KILLED!!!!!MEE!!! *nt*:

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Posted by Your in Dawn. Too many of you to name individually. on July 26, 2000 at 10:05:36:

In Reply to: Your forgot me bitch and your!!!! WiTHERING!!! KILLED!!!!!MEE!!! *nt* posted by Sladin, The confused on July 26, 2000 at 09:51:57:

> > I finally had enough of being, for the most part The only Imperial at hero ranks and a lot of the time the Only evil character at all. Makes it kinda difficult when you ranger is about 6 dawnies 3 maran 3 sylvans and maybe a baron and a ranger. In addition to this i had rolled a new characrter i was getting interested in (my first of good alignment) and was starting to have interaction with some of the same people with both charactes from different sides which was difficult to handle.

> > I had hoped to be the High Priest earlier, but towards the end I dont think I wanted it because I felt I was tired of playing the character under the current situation.

> > I know my mechanical skills where still inept, but they did improve from Imp to Zruulg. Enough rambling now for my thanks yous.

> > Empire

> > Zulghinlour
> > I thank you for the opportunity to play two shaman. I was hoping to get around to more immortal interaction with Zruulg and hopefully make more of an impact. However I kept missing you (I really did try). I figure it was becuase of the summer months.

> > Zepachu
> > Your a fucking riot. Was gonna stick around till you heroed but i had finally had enough. You and Riebold and Kanthalesa should have fun.

> > Wanievre
> > Was good ranking with yo to 45. Was hoping you would start ranking again, but the range sucked and it is hard for imperials to rank right now.

> > Riaoz
> > I learned a lot running with you and figured my time was probably about over once you went and anathemad yourself, but i understood why you did it.

> > Masters
> > Aristobolous and Strelno where probably the characters I enjoyed traveling with the most. Had started the same kind of relationship with Juxposana but then deleted. Randarab, i really didnt want to attack you that day but that is how it goes.

> > Sylvan
> > Flontinot
> > You seemed to be the best at defending the forest and not just killing imperials. I never killed you, but i did get a nice loot from you once when i was in the 20s and aristoblous killed you.

> > Gelegrein
> > I think about half my kills where you.

> > Dawn
> > The ineraction I had with Dawn at the end is probably the best rp I ever had. There is just way to many of you fuckers right now though. For you guys and the Maran it has to be kinda boring right now with no real opposition at hero.

> > Well thats enough, I killed some, I died, learned some new stuff and overall had fun. Am at a point each new character seem like my most successful to that point so after playing about a year now i guess im doing ok.

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