My Farewells. (long):

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Posted by Riaoz Reliayn on July 26, 2000 at 12:56:46:

Well I've had my fill of Imperials, this was like my 15th one. And I only made Riaoz because I wanted a remake of Trently and knock some heads of people who were making me mad. Which transmuters by far can match up to anyone in the hero ranges or more than one person.

I think my funnest times was when 3-5 heroes would come raid the Palace, with only one "little" Arcana to defend. Those times were a blast =P

Battle: Swatted you around someone, no one worthy of mention, except Ikemasuka *grin* Remember that time you entwined me at the destructor? When you fled, I got away with 30 hps =P

Entropy: Didnt really interact with many of you except that one time with Ishmael.

Scarab: Thanks for the interactions imms, even how little they were.

Masters: IC I thought most of you were idiots, incompetant, and knew not true power. But I bet you could say the same about me and my note eh? *winks*
Betazenth- Didnt like you.
Zeruel- I think we had something going there.
Dont quite remember the rest of you.

Troupe: Had fun fighting you as an Imperial, than later taking sanctuary in the inn, and interacting with many people.

Sylvan: Other than the large raids, my funnest fights were fighting you guys, thanks for the many interactions Flontinot, and Malaglen*wink*.

Arbiter: Grislan your an idjit(I did not attack squat that one time to wanted me and I went psycho IC).
Ulrik- Thanks for the interactions.

Saving the best for last *grin*.
Dawn:The many enemys I found in Dawn =P
Most of you are closed minded, thinking
ever Imperial is the same as one would think any goblin, giant, or troll is the same. I think Iracundur is the only one to beat me one on one. Bravo, lesser arch-angel *demoing* through my protections pissed me off.

To the Many Paladins I fought one on one: Wrath is not all powerful, do not spam it.

Veolanda: You won because I was stupid =P All my protections fell, wands, stoneskin, haste everything. But I still almost killed you, had I been smart I would have used that 300,000 gold and just sat at thehealer, but the panick of fighting and all.

Overall Riaoz, was a mage of sphere deception. Enjoying Intrigue and Deception using politics foremost. Than his love for Magic and self came next.

Well played everyone I interacted with. I had rolled up a svirf thief, but Ill be deleteing him now, due to me being stupid and my alias for stand, went off with Riaoz.

Riaoz/Trently/Lots of evil chars/Josh--/Wijke.

P.S. to all those I killed.. (Mwahaha you got killed by Wijke's player =P *wink*)

My role is long and I think boring, if you want me to post it I will.

Riaoz Reliayn, Master of the School of Battle Magi. (Or so I wished =P)

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