Finally gone..heh.:

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Posted by Calyldor on July 26, 2000 at 23:27:56:

Well..Calyldor was made to bring back the Arbiters. Which he did. He became one
of the three resurectors of the hall, and became elder of the evil third of the
cabal. He got booted for attacking a rager with his guards (I typed 'banosh guard'
instead of 'banish guard'). A few ranks later and he was reinducted into the hall
and again made elder soon after that. When his in char love Cebony deleted, he
stoped showing up for long periods of time. No need to say I was no longer elder.
I was pretty confidant of getting Lord, but Astein said he wanted me to be a Hero,
so I could have the same power as the other Lords. But I stoped playing at rank 38.
Well, he ended up coming in with a bang, and going out with a fizzle. I don't think
anyone will really miss Calyldor, he stayed around much longer than he should have.

I've interacted with so many people, so I'm only going to name a very small number.
Don't get offended if your not mentioned..well..don't think anyone will even care

Cebony: were my IC love..heh. I pretty much lost interest in the char after
you deleted.

Astein: Well, sorry I didn't live up to your expectations. You're a great imm..a hard
ass, but a good one.

Bria: Didn't interact with you much at all..always seemed cool though. Don't know why
so many people think your a bitch or something...

Jaldean: Didn't get to interact to much extent with you either. I asked you alot of
questions though..thanks for the help.

Kryn: Well, I hated you. You were such a complete and utter bitch. You always seemed
to try and get me in trouble. Like when you said I assisted a criminal. When I took
him down while he took off all his clothes and didn't fight back on a flag there wasn't
even much proof on in the first place. And then when I couldn't get everything from his
corpse and he gets back to pick up a weapon you acuse me of giving it to him! And, you
attack me and my group in the battle fields and say I tried to sing you to sleep when
my songs don't even work against other arbiters. Heh. Well, I don't think I deserved a
position of power, I wasn't around enough, but you certainly didn't deserve one either.
Phew. Well..that was a long one. Anyway..yeah.

Old Arbiters: Quinthis, Grallon, Kopentol (you flaged me once you goon!), Merrious, Bevrolmx,
all the rest of the arbiters around close to after the resurection..good show. It was fun

New Arbiters..well..I don't know any of you that well..some of you seem like asses..but
heck, Calyldor was an ass to people he didn't respect as well.

Well, here is the log of my last few minutes, just talking with Chajede. I enjoyed it.

Chajede says 'stay'
You say 'Why..?'
Chajede says 'we need you'
Chajede says 'I want you to'
You say 'What we want and what we have to do are often in contradiction.'
Chajede says 'Aye but we can use your...'
You say 'My....?'
You say 'My lack of attendance?'
Chajede says 'Your knowledge'
You say 'Knowledge of what..?'
Chajede says 'You are wise'
You fall down laughing.
Calyldor folds his cloak under himself as he sits.
Chajede says 'You have seen the fall and rise of the hall'
You say 'Aye..but that does not make me wise.'
Chajede says 'we need good arbiters'
You say 'Wise..'
You chuckle politely.
You say 'That is indeed rich..'
Calyldor dips a finger into the fountain.
You sigh.
Chajede says 'knowledge gained by years in Thera'
You whisper ' love has left me..'
You whisper 'It is a torture..'
You whisper 'Every day without her..'
Chajede says 'I have never know love'
You whisper 'Without hering her laugh..'
You whisper 'With out feeling her touch.'
You sigh.
Calyldor hangs his head. A single tear drips down and splashes in the water below him.
Chajede says 'I am sorry for your loss'
Chajede says 'She must have been very special'
Chajede says 'For you are'
You say 'And..'
You whisper 'And I pushed her away....'
You whisper 'she wanted to marry..'
You whisper 'And I did not give reply.'
You sigh.
You say 'Now..'
You say 'now it is too late..'
You whisper 'and I shall never see her again..'
Chajede says 'did she have no children?'
You say 'No..'
You say 'She asked to bear my children.'
Chajede says 'Oh'
You say 'Although..'
You say 'The reason was one not to have a child.'
You say 'To be...handed the lich..the entropy lich no less..'
Calyldor grows red with anger.
Chajede says 'I do not understand'
Calyldor gracefully climbs to his feet.
Calyldor paces around the room.
Chajede says 'But you are an arbiter'
You say 'Hardly..'
You say 'I let my lord Astein down..'
You say 'I let myself down..'
You say 'I let my love Cebony down...'
Chajede says 'no'
Chajede says 'You stiil live and breath'
Chajede says 'you can make things right'
Chajede says 'with yourself and Lord Astein'
You say 'And every minute of life..'
You say 'and every breath I take..'
You say 'Is an eternity of pain knowing I will never see my love again.'
Chajede says 'Calyldor...'
Chajede says 'I am sure where ever she is she loves you too'
Chajede says 'and she is alive in your heart'
Calyldor hangs his head and rubs his forhead.
Chajede says 'You are going to be with her aren't you?'
Calyldor sighs heavily.
You say 'I will join her..'
Chajede says 'Goodbye I will mis you'
Calyldor slumps down and sits on the fountain.

***Went looking for a strait razor..wasn't there made do with broadsword.

Chajede says 'you will stay?'
You shake your head.
Chajede says 'then Gods speed to you'
You hold a golden harp in your hands.
You wield a jeweled broadsword.
You sing 'We'll sing all night, and drink all day,
And on the girls we'll spend our pay,
And when it's gone, then we'll away,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows.'
Chajede hugs you.
You hug her.
Chajede weeps uncontrollably.
You say 'Find your love..'
You say 'And don't let them slip through your fingers like I did.'
Chajede says 'good bye Lord Calyldor'
Calyldor rests the broadsword's tip against his chest and the hilt on the floor.
Calyldor pushes forward with a sigh, his body falls limp on the ground.
[ARBITER] an Arbiter Elder: Farewell Calyldor. May the lawless find law in your absence.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

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