, the Baron of Lightning [DELETED]:

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Posted by Flavin on July 27, 2000 at 14:04:13:

Well ... I have two words to say...
battle Ragers kick ass.

"I dreamed that I was converted into a mighty pillar of stone, which
reared its head in the midst of a desert, where it stood for ages,
till generation after generation melted away before it. Even in this
state, though unconscious of possessing any organs of sense or being
else than a mass of lifeless stone, I saw every object around the
mountains growing bald with age, the forest trees drooping in decay;
and I heard whatever sounds nature is in the custom of producing,
such as the thunder peal breaking over my naked head, the winds
howling past me, or the ceaseless murmur of streams. At last I also
waxed old, and began to crumble into dust, while the moss and ivy
accumulated upon me, and stamped me with the aspect of hoar antiquity.
To what shall I compare this life of mine?
To a simple drop fallingin this ocean of players to whom existence
will not be remembered.

Till next time

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