Basically looking for any opinions or help with my role:

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Posted by Duergar Shaman on July 28, 2000 at 11:32:57:

***** does not know his past well. Not because of any lacking in
his memory, but because it was filled with many unpleasant things. He
was abandoned as a child and picked from the streets of Galadon by a
good nun and taken to holy church where he the priests attempted to
"rid him of his evil soul". He was kept captive for many long years,
locked in a cold cellar beneath the church and fed very little. After
a long time, the hopes of the priests faded and they began to use
****** as an example to their members of what would become of them
if they associated with evil.

When ***** reached the age of 24, he began to get very strong and
the basement shackles could no longer hold him. He broke free and fled
into the streets of Galadon where he lived for a few years, surviving
only by his brute strength, murdering and thieving to get by. Near the
end of his stay in Galadon, he began to realize his potential. Every
day he looked at the rich merchants riding the streets in their horse
drawn carrages, surrounded by bodyguards - thoughts began to brew in
his head. Plans, schemes and visions. A drive spawned in his chest, a
drive that urged him to begin making a move to a position of power. He
set out and thieved the finest robes he could find, with the belief that
a good appearance would gain him respect. Respect that he could manipulate.
He got himself cleaned and groomed and left the city in search of an
opportunity to advance.

Once ***** left the city, he saw the outside world was cold and filled
with many powerful men, all in a struggle for power. This was when he began
realize that the only way to gain true power was through order and control.
Many things came to his mind and he set out to seek something greater
than a guildmaster. He set out to seek the dark lord, the Ebony Warlock. In
his time in Galadon, ***** had seen the Imperials in passing. He heard
soft whispers between them of the dark lord and his power and of the goal
their Empire. ***** saw his opportunity in this and immediatly decided
that he had found his path to victory. A path to win his goal of power.
Gillaume, not wanting to anger the dark lord with any sign of inferiority,
went to speak with an evil guildmaster. He found the shaman to be most
fitting and saw that he held a great power. A gift from the gods. He learned
by the guildmaster until he felt he was ready to set forth and seek the
dark lord, and a position of power in the cold world of Thera.

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