Both very well player characters, good luck in the future. (nt):

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Posted by Ceorkhan on August 3, 2000 at 03:42:09:

In Reply to: Gone... both. posted by Shalandria / Felysha on August 1, 2000 at 15:27:38:

> I will keep this short: boredom and inevitable autodeletion, though I never meant for Shalandria to die yet. It's a shame...
> Felysha I rolled up actually just to try out the polearm and whip specs, I never really intended her to get very far, and Shalandria... same for an assassin, merely trying out.

> So, my farewells:

> Dawn, Troupe
> In my eyes, the only cabals worth playing. I had tons of fun with a lot of you people, as both Shal and Felysha. Some names would be(in no particular order)...
> Tathlyn, Celebeleni, Eadric, Azerak, Iracundur, Chaldaie, Proserpina... and deliberately last but not least... Drayman and Arasow. It was... fun, what else could I really say?

> And the other cabals? Er... what other cabals? I never had much contact with them.

> And of caballess: Lytherly is the only one I can remember offhand. (Damned password hackers...)

> Farewell, and see you on the 'Fields.
> Felysha/Shalandria/lurking about..

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