Hey suckah! In the Forbidden I vanished then came back for you, so don't foam at the mouth. I don't give crap about Marans. 'Cept Svy, you're all a bunch of wannabes. n/friggin/t:

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Posted by Lyjek on August 9, 2000 at 16:45:40:

In Reply to: Since it's fresh in my mind posted by Musitief on August 9, 2000 at 10:02:29:

> First time we engaged was the first time I killed you, that occurred at the large crossroads when I tripped you to death.

> Second time we engaged you fled and ran into Hamsah Mu'tazz. You asked me if I still wanted you dead and told me that you had hoped we could be allies.

> The third time we engaged was at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest where, granted, you made me flee, but my groupmate and I finished you off. That was the one marked above as "Horin got last blow-19th."

> The fourth time we engaged was in the Brawling Room in the Inn where you were running your mouth and fled because I used blindness dust.

> The fifth time we engaged was moments after the fourth time at the guard post where hunger struck the last blow.

> There you have it, all five times we engaged, and only once did I have to flee.

> Have a nice day, putz.

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