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Posted by Ziakrim on August 11, 2000 at 14:27:23:

Ziakrim was born in a family of farmers that
lived in the mountains of asgaard. Being the
only male child in the family he was supposed
to take over the farm when his father died.
But as Ziakrim grew older it was noticed that
he did not deserve the place. It was almost
impossible to learn him something serious.
He much rather spend his time looking at the
gleemen at the village. He thought that was
the proffession for him, entertaining people,
making them laugh.

But as his father started push more and more
that he should start worrying about the farm
not daydreaming about some colorful idiots as
he called them. Ziakrim saw his only choise,
he escaped from home. He traveled for days
to reach the closest town. There he searched
for the gleemens guild. When he saw it he could
only stare at it, it was his dream...his destiny.

But Ziakrim is not the luckiest man on Thera,
the guild would not let anyone in without money
and a recomendation. So when he sat there on
the ground sobbing for himself he did not notice
that all people suddenly moved away. But he did
notice the tall slim figure in a robe suddenly
standing infront of him. The figure smelled like
hes been dead for years, and by looking at his
skeleton face...he had been dead for centuries.
It was the lich Akramd, one of the powerfullest
liches that had ever walked on thera...and he was
bored. He had no competition, some phoenix heroes
trying to slay him once in a while, and that gets
boring after a while. There for he felt some
strange curiosity for the pathetic lifeform
sitting at the street.

He took him with him to his castle..Ziakrim was
happy with his new master. He did not have very
heavy duties, mostly cleaning in the library and
such. Many liches would be very careful letting
[Hit Return to continue]

someone so close to all the arcane secrets in the
library and in their laboratory, but Akramd soon
realised that Ziakrim was the thing he wanted to
be:a fool.

Some years passed and the castle began to be
filled with colorful cushions and flowers. The lich
started to get tired of his little pet, the undead
have no feelings for something that powerless.
And one day when Ziakrim was busy with spraying
parfume on some stinking ghoul the lich told him
to leave. The lich had pondered this for a long time,
I dont like him, he had thought..why dont I just kill
him. The undead have no feelings, he repeated for
himself many times. But anyways, soon stood Ziakrim
outside the castle gates, with some old gold coins
and a recomendation letter for the necromancer guild
in Galadon.

He walked like he was sleeping to Galadon, he could not
understand the betrayal. And of course he was taken in
to the guild with a letter like that. But he felt somewhat misplaced when he sat there in the dark
surrounded by blackdressed people.

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