Posted by Joshu on August 14, 2000 at 05:17:44:
In Reply to: uhm, that won't work posted by Animal on August 14, 2000 at 04:48:47:
> > > > > Here you can also change the score so instead of saying you are carrying 224 lbs. with a max weight of 250 lbs., you put you are carrying 92% of your max capacity. They could still get an idea of what their strength is, but it would be a lot harder to pinpoint it. Same with dex, you are carrying 75% of your total items. > Get an item you know it's quantity / weight from (ie, 1, 20 pound), and see how much the %%'s change. > Two. Strip naked and carry as much of Make it so until lvl 20 you only see str: Herculean, etc.. And for weight and such you see "You're somewhat encumbered" "heavily encumbered" "you almost can't carry anything else" (or something similar). Where there is will, there is a way. I don't think the present system is perfect. 95% of the people on CF roll With the new system it's my hope that people wouldn't delete I believe it could work.
> > > All the tables of "if you can carry 250 lbs worth of equipment, you have a strength of X"
> something as you can, then figure out how
> many you're carrying. That's your dex. Carry
> a few heavy things you know the weight from,
> till you cannot lift more, then add a few
> light ones, and count how much you're
> carrying.
And to answer the question "Why change something that's perfect?"
for (near-)perfect stats every time, so pretty much everybody
has the same (visible) stats
at lvl 20 when they see their stats, and if that did
happen I'd suggest handing out a few more training
sessions to begin with.