*sighs* Gotsta go... (goodbye speech, vewy long):

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Posted by Harlequin, Aleena, Axzwerlich, Corinthar, and many, many more on August 15, 2000 at 09:09:39:

Well, after a long, long run of characters on CF, I have to say goodbye. Hopefully it won't be permanent but at the very least, it is going to be a good long while before I am back. I just have too much going on in RL (Damn RL!!!) to play on a regular basis and it's only getting busier. I barely have time to frequent this page which has kept me entertained for some time now. Maybe before I go for good, I will finish my latest parody of CF, a lively tale of a lich named Gringo in the Wild West version of CF, and post it for your reading (dis) pleasure.

I know cutting myself off from CF is going to be like amputating a limb, I'll be feeling phantom pains for years, but I have to do it. I'm going to miss a lot of you and the entertainment the MUD has provided me over the last 6 years. I've made a lot of friends in CF over the years and while I have lost touch with most of you, I still consider all of you my friends. I still remember the days of Felyne, Vladimir, Kharma, and Starlet, my fellow cohorts of Chaos, and I remember them fondly. If everyone in my life knew something about CF and how it worked, I would have so many stories to regale them with but sadly, I find my CF stories, all of them interesting and amusing in my mind, sadly lacking at social events.

I love this virtual world that has developed over the past six years and I have most assuredly enjoyed watching and participating in its evolution, no matter how small my role, if any. In that vast virtual void called the internet or cyberspace, a small world has been created and the inhabitants have prospered and let their imaginations shine. The sheer amount of stories that have been created, the plays that have been acted out, the virtual lives that have been lived amazes me. I am quite sure that I have been witness to a full library of creative material in my various incarnations.

I would perform individual goodbyes but I have six years of them and I have no doubt that it would take some time to do them justice. I have included my email in this message if any of you care to contact me (I had to use axzwerlich@hotmail.com because harlequin was taken a loooooong time ago) and I would be more than happy to talk about old times. If you do send me an email and I don't return it right away, just be patient. The same busy events that keep me from mudding might keep me from reading email. I'm going to list my more memorable characters at the bottom of the page, memorable for me in one way or another, but first I want to say something to the Immortals of CF...

I think I have probably interacted with almost all of you in one fashion or another, from my beginning days when I thought all Immortals did is snoop me to my last days when I wished all of you *would* snoop me... ;) I just want to thank all of you for having me as your guest these six years. Thank you for making this virtual playground and allowing me to play here. I hope you never give up on it all and stop sharing your imaginings with us. And Jullias, I really do think the snowglobe thing would have been hilarious to those who figured it out... ;)

To the players, enjoy yourselves without making life miserable for the immortals. Remember whose work it is that made your playing CF possible. Try to roleplay when you can, you'll miss it when you aren't able to do it on a regular basis. PK if you're good at it, and if you excel at it, try not to make life miserable for everybody else.

Now, a listing of the characters I enjoyed the most:

Harlequin - Human assassin, Hero-Imm of Entropy (Of course I listed this one first... )
Therimon - Master Transmuter, naked charmer of Villagers, but not foolishly so...
Aleena - Drow assassin Heroine, Follower of Lloth, Shadow
Darinor - Drow warrior, sword and dagger spec, Empire warrior, never hero-ed thanks to Arena. (Blech)
Necthryn - Duergar warrior Hero, Empire Warrior, later Free of the Empire (yes, Free, not Anathema)
Axzwerlich - Felar assassin Hero, rager and general pain in the ass to mages (I might not have kilt ya, but I was good at making ya hate life... ;P )
Ayame - Human assassin Heroine, had a big story lined up for her but lost interest because a key player in that story deleted
Corinthar - Arial warrior Hero, Servant of the Dawn, spear and hand to hand spec, hopeful Shokai follower (and a frickin' long ass role to boot!)

There have been a ton of others but I honestly have to say the list above are those who were the most fun or were involved in something that made their lives memorable for me. 'sides, if they weren't memorable, I didn't bother to keep their names in long term memory... ;P (Hmm, that sentence is somehow redundant)

At any rate, that's it for me for now, perhaps ever after. I hope I made some of you out there laugh, smile, cry, hiccup, or something, because a lot of you had some effect on me...


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