Posted by Maelduin on August 16, 2000 at 10:44:05:
Conjurers are extremely fun to play after the 17th rank. I'm sure very few even had an idea that I existed since I did Dawn: I didn't really get into much with you after being inducted Battle: Liola I like your character. Pintose, you didn't actually think Empire: Too many of you for my tastes. Sylvan: Where? There's a sylvan around? Oh yeah Flontinot you are funny :) Troupe: Pretty cool. I can't believe Shermie asked for smoke mephits in the Inn. Time to take a break for a bit. Thanks again Imms for a cool
Familiars are just fun. I found so many cool things while
using the familiar. Places that I couldn't go normally, mobs
I'd never seen before, that type of thing. Plus they make for
some fun roleplaying. Thanks Imms for making such a cool class.
very little in the way of interacting with most of the population.
Since hitting 11th level I've never had more than one other good
aligned character which made things tough, luckily conjurers can
rank well alone.
as there were none even close to my rank. Solian and Marsuel you seemed
pretty cool though we never talked much. Same with the lady bard though
her name escapes me at this time. Iracundur, you were very fun to
talk to and I liked the quest you gave me before induction. Very well
played. Oh and thanks for the conjuring tips. Chaldaie, I don't really
know what to say except that the tiny bit of interaction we had was below
I'd face you one on one did you? I like living way too much to do such a
silly thing.
Talk about a sooty mess :)
class though I didn't get to see much of what they can do.