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Posted by glushuba/sseann on August 17, 2000 at 13:08:40:

i broke my right hand, cant play for while
i am very sad my best char ever is gone, had so much potential...thanks for those who
joined me.

Your curiousity drives you to examine this very fat duergar. Black, greasy,
hair, that is tied back into a pony tail with an old dish rag, covers his
round head. His dirty, sticky, food encrusted face looks like a mess that
only one such as himself could admire. Staring at you, with a wanting look
in his dark, grey eyes, he seems to like, if not want you. A large, crooked
nose sniffs at the air stochasticlly. Slobber drips and drools from his big
mouth in an untimely manner. Between his teeth are pieces of foods and
other whatnots that have lost their to his void of a stomach. A tangled,
mess of a beard is home to bits of this 'n thats which he picks out and eats
with a maniacal pleasure. His noggin rests upon a fatty mass of a body that
jiggles and wiggles with the slightest of moves. Two small, hairy, stubby
arms have almost no chance of reaching around his enourmous belly that nearly
reaches to his knees. Short yet extremely muscular legs hold up this whale
of a creature with nothing but a sporatic tremble. Groans and rumbles from
the depths of his stomach, cry out praises to his Lord.

my role was a rambling of sorts

"Durin a dark an stormy nigh, a holler was heard deep in de distan wood an
the lil' stinkin dwarf turned...." said the Elder Duergar to the clan untill
he was so rudely interupted by a very young yet chubby duergar. "Heh!"
yelled Glushuba. "Justa wait der." Everyone turned to squeaky voice with
much annoyment. "I dina got anymore eats!" squelched Glushuba. "Hold yer
story till Iba get more grub." The Elder raised his cudgel and slammed it
to the ground in a greatly angred furry. "Dats bloody it!" yelled the Elder
who was now walking towards Glushuba. "Yer blasted hole ain't welcome in
dis village!" "Out...Out.Out!" screamed the Elder. A short silence took
place among the small crowd. Glushuba's father who was now starting to
stand up to protest in favor of his son is interrupted. "Glamsherb!" the
Elder growled. "I no wantin ta hear yer nothing, an I wantin yer gluttonous
son banished, Now!" Glamsherb partially scared for himself and a tad
relieved that he no longer could take care of his son, who was such a burden,
grabbed Glushuba by the scruff of the neck. He carried his son to the
outskirts of the village and tossed him down. No easy task when your young
child is almost as heavy as you. "Git!" Glamsherb cried. Glushuba who was
now scared out of his wits stood up and ran as fast as his short legs could
carry him untill he collapsed in exhaustion.


Glushuba woke with a terrible ache in his stomach. He felt like he hasn't
eaten anything for hours. Standing up he started to walk slowly south
towards a town of Arkhaam. Walking around the city, moaning in pain, for
he has nothing to fill his belly. He managed to stumble into a cathedrel
when no one was looking. With great luck, Glushuba found his way to the
cellar where he ate till he could eat no more. When he was finished, this
young lad hid himself in the closet and waited till midnight.


Awakening very suddenly from a sound sleep, Glushuba was suprised to see
a monk standing before him. "Oh you do smell of the unholy!" exclaimed
the man. He shook Glushuba and demanded an explaination. The child
told his story untill he was blue in the face. "So.. we have a greedy
lil whipper snapper here, don't we?" said the monk "Well.. well, you are
going to learn the values of sharing and fasting, aren't you?" The monk
told Glushuba that his name was Klsue and he would taken care of till futher
arrangements could be made. Glushuba wasn't so sure about this, he thought
of the word fasting to himself over and over and did not like the sound of

-1week later-

Glushuba finally gets the chance to escape and grabs some food from the
cellar and puts it in his sack before doing so. He thinks of the rubbish
that Klsue tried to teach him during his short stay while he walks towards
the docks. "Gods dat want ya to eat nuttin but bread an water." he sighed.
"Dats not the god fer me." After hearing some humans talk about traveling
to the desert city, Glushuba decided that he shall go and see what it is.
"Mebe der be anudder life waitin fer my there." He hid himself in a small
crate right before it was to be carried on board the ship.

-The journey-

The young duergar's rations now gone, he thinks to himself on what he is
going to do when he reaches his destination. Time drags on forever, his
hungry grows to a new extreme. Glushuba snaps and starts chanting to
himself quietly. "God 'o Food, give me eats!" , "God 'o Food, give me eats!"
"If ya do, dem skinny types, Dis here duergar Beats!"
This continues for a few days without stop.

-The Desert City-

The ship, now unloaded, Glushuba cackles to himself. He breaks free of his
crate and catches sight of a few stray cats. "Here kitta, kitta." he says
calmly. Walking slowly he grabs both by their necks, *snap*, and eats them
whole and says a few words under his breath in respect to his savior. He
spends a few hours collecting a sack full of these critters and travels
about his way in search of his god.

-His Lord-

Talking to many folks, Glushuba comes to the realization that he must search
out Lord Agathocles so he may be able to continue his quest, that of
destroying those who do not respect the hunger. Travelling back and forth
from Arkham, he searches through the fields east of it. Many problems take
place, but eventually he comes across a fat 'ol bartender who is out for a
walk. He takes notice to the chubby fellow and beggins a conversation with
him. Glushuba is able to find out that a shrine, perhaps the one he is
looking for, exists where desolation and a dark sense of dread hang low over
the horizon. He chuckles at the thought of this fellow knowing this, but
he travels back the the mainland. Comming to an Inn past Tar Lavon,
Glushuba eats till he cannot no more, speaking with a patron there, he is
directed to the mountains east of Udgaard. After a few months, he arrives
to his goal. Glushuba speaks with Lord Agathocles, and speaks his dream of
destroying all of those who do not keep the hunger, and keeping the faith
amongst the followers. He learns that he is to never come to this shrine
again, for Glushuba is a chaotic bastard. Instead he is to seek out a
suitible place each time he is to pray to his Lord. The first of many, the
pumpkin patch near where he first looked for Lord Agathocles, he choose.
For it was tangled and chaotic in nature, as is Glushuba. Bringing the
foods and drink that his Lord asks for, Glushuba watches in awe as Lord
Agathocles eats it all greedily. More words are spoken, with them forever
remebered in his heart, Glushuba leaves, empowered by his god.

12-The bastard son of Greed-

Having travelled the lands for a few years, Glushuba has eaten many a foe.
Pieces of scrawny, weak creatures from all walks of life have ended up
in his great belly. His prayers to his god frequent and with great meaning
to himself, have show his faith to the cause. Now with a new power, that
to cause great hunger and suffering in the disrespecting enemies of Hunger,
he brings enourmous famine to them. The result is either the death or
a chance of them changing their ways, and comming to respect that which
Glushuba lives for.

20-Enemies and Allies-

The path Glushuba has been called upon to walk on, makes for strange allies.
A few dwarfs, names forgotten in an alcoholic haze, are great drunkards and
are almost a match for Glushuba in their eating contests. The members of
troupe, those elfs and humans that he once despised untill he saw their huge
passion for the ale that Glushuba loves so much. Others have joined him
in his travels, but are not as worthy of the Hunger as are these people.

During his life, he has come to realized that almost all the mages he has
seen, except for the one who gave him a recipe book, are scrawny, good for
nothing, book worms. Nearly all walkers of the shadows, those being thieves
and assassins of thera, are to slim to show any respect for the Hunger. A
few he has seen with an occasional cup of wine or shot of mild whiskey, but
none he wouldn't fill his stomach with. The necromancer, this group of
death worshiping mages, are the ache in Glushuba's belly. Their goal, is
to rid themselves of the needs of life. These being hunger, sleep and other
wonderful things. Not to be taken for a Anti-Paladin, these disrespecting
beings shall be slain and eaten in the name of the cause. The liches, a
higher form of these mages, are to follow the same fate, after Glushuba
first finds out how he can digest them.

24-Petrom the Butcher-

Glushuba summons Petrom from time to time, so he can purchase a chicken or
twenty. Petrom has grown tired of this even though he has made a bit of
gold. The merchant, after being summoned in his sleep one to many times,
tries something. He offers to show Glushuba the fine art of butchering,
in hopes that he is left alone more than usuall. The shaman accepts this
present and is shown how a fresh corpse is to be butchered correctly.
Failing at this task many times, Glushuba gives up, for now. Choosing
to lazily summon the butcher again and again, untill he finds a way to
make the fine steaks that are sold by the butchers of Thera.

<90%hp 89%m 92%mv>
Agathocles says 'Worship the hunger, Glushuba. You must be a beckon to all.'

<90%hp 89%m 92%mv> nod
You nod.

<89%hp 88%m 91%mv>
Agathocles says 'You are the bastard son of Greed.'

<89%hp 88%m 91%mv>
Agathocles says 'Do not fail me, for you mean nothing to me.'

thank you for thecool game.

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