Re: Was fun:

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Posted by Skylar on August 17, 2000 at 22:45:34:

In Reply to: Was fun posted by Balrahd on August 17, 2000 at 09:47:27:

> My favorite time with you, personally, was when I had to convince you to aid us with denies so we could kill Havilahd/the Arborian High Priest :P That was a good twenty minutes of trying to convince you. Heh, and then, when I was convinced we could actually finish off the High Priest, and you kept saying over gt "Stop! You're just making him angry!"

How it happened for me:
You asked me to join and I jumped onto my feet and runned towards arboria, in the middle of the way "damn, they want to kill havilahd, I can't kill, damn" so I rested in the shire and started to think what I really could be doing and how, then we met in the white tower. Lots of issues and arguments, specially Laureolia being younger (rank 43), pressed me into going with you. But one thing was clear in my mind, can't kill, can't kill, can't kill. Actually I wished havilahd to lich so I'd beat the crap outta him, being undead Skylar could easily consider him a living representation of the conflict life/death and since he'd be no living, no guilt. At last there would be someone that with a tadbit of rp I could pk. Arriving there, denies and I stayed in the HTS, sent my owl to investigate (just asking myself when I could jump in). Denies fade and the high priest begins summoning again, I enter and deny all I could, and myself. Havilahd sees me and flees (yeah, I have a big ego), high priest sees me and comes to kill me (his ego is bigger). So the high priest slept and cursed me (no big deal, archons are there for it, too bad it was a luminous one), I command my owl to come in and attack me, but I screwed over and typed "fam k skylar;fam release", and I saw him fighting my archon, to his sorrow I could call another, would be damn fun to see the high priest cowering in fear fighting an archon right after another, so I start to ask to attack me, to get up and call another archon, but I got my curse removed and worded *mutters*. High priest ain't difficult to kill, I was there a couple days before to get an item from him.

> Anyway, to sum up why that was my favorite time with you: You played a pretty darn good sphere Peace. I'm sure as a player you wanted to leap to our aid, but as a character, you couldn't, and that was pretty interesting.

And the main reason I deleted, I begun to hate sphere peace and was starting to screw up my role, had to go.

My favorite time with you was when we went to rank, and we started to debate our faiths. You're good and made me wish I had rolled a maran!

All in all, excellent work, Balrahd.

> See ya -


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