I know I shouldn't reply, but I am drunk so I will.:

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Posted by Castanaveras on August 18, 2000 at 00:30:15:

In Reply to: Re: Why thank you, you just helped me out big time, I never thought of that, you wow me and everyone on the forum with your ability to put forth so much knowledge in two sentences. *smirk* posted by Laios on August 17, 2000 at 19:20:18:

> I'd help you out, but you're an idiot. Your posts, farewell note, and my ic interaction with you all point to it. Why don't you go roll an empire and be part of the mass logging phenomenon, it seems to suit you the best.... pussy.

Yes, I am an idiot and I do the mass logging phenom....I agree...now lets look at the proof.

Empire is almost gone, I make an empire char and become high priest...
Yup, pure idiocy there.

Arbiters are being beat down, I am one of 3 that log on regularly(until I got sick and deleted)...not to mention I know enough to impress enough people to be named elder...
Yup, pure mass loging and idiocy there.

Arbiters are non-existant. I make a char and become one of the people that bring them back and become the first Lord.
Yup, pure mass logging and idiocy there.

Now I don't claim I am great or even above ave in skill in cf. but I doubt an idiot could have done those three chars. and I doubt anyone who does the mass logins could have done those three chars.

I am curious. What character(s) have I interacted with you? the ones I flagged? the ones I brought to justice? The ones I told to shut their trap because Cast's second personality was a hard fuck? The ones I interacted with rp-wise (other than wanted dumbass y) didn't think I was a dumbass. unless I am mistaken.

Oh, but by all means, refuse to say who you have interacted with me as, and resort to sophomoric name calling. You called me and idiot, and a cameltoe, without backup...but you said it...so it must be true...right?

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