Re: Are there any arbiters left?:

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Posted by Cast on August 18, 2000 at 00:49:05:

In Reply to: Are there any arbiters left? posted by Feirshay on August 17, 2000 at 01:25:21:

I will say I had fun fighting you, while you were in my pk. Although those two -30 strength withers you landed on my ass really sucked, I had thought that -25 str was as bad as wither could get....guess my saves just really stunk.

> I must say I enjoyed fighting all of the Arbiters. I remember logging on, having the equation gone with 4 or 5 arbiters in range, and just thinking...oh yeah. The chases were fun and all, but guard deaths sucked horribly. Anyway, it would have been cool to view this split personality type character. Maybe someday Barons will have characters instead of just two...

> Feirshay

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