Posted by Tracker of the Wicked(VIP) on August 18, 2000 at 09:15:10:
In Reply to: Another one bites the dust. posted by Castanaveras on August 17, 2000 at 00:34:27:
One: You should have stuck it out with Motiak. Run. Hide. Recuperate your Sect. You deleting there set you up (prepared you) for failure with Cast. Two: You should get out of the habit of deleting when things get hard for you. Yes, the game's about fun, but it's also about determination and attitude. The only time I get pissed is when I feel as though I have no chance (like, for example, taking a shaman one on one against Zorszaul). And, even then, I get more pissed at myself for failing. Ragers are easy to avoid. Dying to a rager takes some sort of proactive action on your part. Don't take that action, don't die. Do take that action, recognize you will likely die. You shouldn't be able to take every action you want to take. Zorszaul can't even take every action he wants to take. That would be a game of one, if you could, not a game of 150. So, you take your best action, they take their best action, and you get to see who planned it out better. Anyway, your characters seem to involved alot of effort on your part, it's just a shame to see you give them up repeatedly and criticize others for their lack of roleplay as a reason for it.