Posted by Vrain on August 18, 2000 at 14:31:22:
In Reply to: [GONE] Taraly the Ranger Prince, Expert at Idiocy. (Ramblings included within) posted by Taraly on August 17, 2000 at 11:11:51:
> I had hoped to continue with Taraly. It was not possible, due to > This was my 4th char that I spent more than 20 hours with. > Role was thrown together in total of 30 minutes. I didnt use > Sylvan was great. Particulary in midlevels around 25-35. I think it > Thanks to Malaglen for inducting me, and to Flontinot for every piece of > I learned A HUGE amount of the layout of the land. Parts and places of Thera, > > > FLASH > Added Fri Jul 21 11:15:55 2000 at level 43: > He didnt. > FLASH > Blood. Stained on the grass and the flowers, he was shivering, "try to stop bleedin", "dont > FLASH > Man has build a Huge massive wall of Stone and Steel, the work of civilisation, > FLASH > Added Fri Jul 21 11:17:07 2000 at level 43: > Added Wed Aug 16 08:55:14 2000 at level 43: > FLASH > "Damnit! It's worse den dat! Dont ya understand!? He .. stole .. my .. mind" > Added Wed Aug 16 16:17:18 2000 at level 43: > FLASH > Deep in woods, paws soaked in wet earth and grass .. Storm finally > Time to die.
> severe unfixable brain damage. Taraly got his title and his logic
> circuits fucked up, by insulting Scarabeus. Not a wise thing to do.
> When this happened his fast camo/creep was screwed up after ranking
> in Shadar, and this was truely bad luck. In his current state, he was
> not able to recover fast camo/creep, and well .. Taraly was pretty much
> stuck in fucked situation. I had hoped to fix things, and I did enjoy
> IMM interaction on 2 or 3 occasions.
> the role command with any of my previous chars. In a brief conversation
> with Uller about an important event for Taraly, Uller mentioned
> I should add it to my role. I did not have a role at all at that
> time, or experience in writing any such. I pretty much used it as
> a brief-glimpse insight into important events or feelings.
> could have been just as fun at the hero ranks. I didnt get so much time
> as I had hoped, to explore that part of the game. PK perspective seemed
> to take on a whole different set of tactics and possibilities, than at
> midranks.
> advice.
> I never been to with any of previous chars. I think I was inside galadon about
> 3 or 4 times in total, and that was simply to go to trainer, before I found
> the recruiting officer in Past.
> armor 95% call lightning 83% control weather 77%
> axe 100% dagger 75% spear 100%
> sword 100% staff 100% whip 75%
> dirt kicking 88% disarm 1% dodge 100%
> enhanced damage 100% hand to hand 100% kick 100%
> parry 100% second attack 100% third attack 100%
> shield cleave 1% pugil 100% lash 1%
> fast healing 98% haggle 1% meditation 100%
> scrolls 76% staves 75% recall 100%
> camouflage 100% acute vision 95% ambush 100%
> quiet movement 100% pathfinding 100% herbs 94%
> tame 1% butcher 94% find water 99%
> camp 93% bark skin 88% imbue staff 77%
> fashion staff 75% track 75% lore 93%
> warcry 75% entangle 97% protection heat cold 92%
> shield block 1% dual wield 100% dark vision 75%
> creep 100% bearcharge 100% backrake 99%
> serpentstrike 100% waylay 100% insect swarm 72%
> snare 76% windwalk 89% wall of thorns 77%
> beast call 70% chameleon 85% strengthen 70%
> wilderness familiarity 100% pen 1%
> <810hp 164m 688mv> sc
> You are Taraly the Ranger Prince, Expert at Idiocy, level 43, 52 years old (262 hours).
> You are middle-aged.
> Race: felar Sex: male Class: ranger Hometown: Galadon
> You have 810/810 hit, 164/469 mana, 688/688 movement.
> You have 15 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 19/36 items.
> Your items weigh 144 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 287 pounds).
> Str: 16(17) Int: 5(4) Wis: 20(19) Dex: 23(23) Con: 18(20) Chr: 8(8)
> You have scored 413105 exp, and have 2715 gold coins.
> You need 24865 exp to level.
> Wimpy set to 120 hit points.
> You are sleeping.
> Armor: pierce: -17 bash: -29 slash: -32 magic: 85
> You are well-armored against piercing.
> You are very well-armored against bashing.
> You are very well-armored against slashing.
> You are defenseless against magic.
> Hitroll: 6 Damroll: 13.
> You are neutral. You have a chaotic ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Spirit.
> You are affected by:
> Skill: 'camp' modifies none by 0 for -1 hours.
> Power: 'windwalk' modifies none by 0 for 23 hours.
> Power: 'windwalk' modifies none by 0 for 23 hours.
> Your role is:
> Added Mon Jun 26 15:10:29 2000 at level 32:
> Darkness
> Pale .. creepin from the corner of my eye .. Pale light ..
> Pale faint light through dark and grey clouds above,
> warm rain on my face, the smell of earth and wet grass,
> plungin through the bushes following a small trail no man has made,
> lightning from above followed a brief split second by a roaring
> wave of thunder, I stop.
> It echoes back and forth, then slowly fades high above me
> .. shimmering star, Silence, except the sound of a rushing river and
> my pounding heart, inside.
> "Get inside! .. now!" the voice yelled at him .. "Aw, not again!" he thought
> lickin his left paw .. "Tara, you are commin wit us!, Ya heard what your father
> said, we cant stay here no more, we are leavin for a new continent, a new
> beginning for us all!" Sittin at the only stump in the forest, insects and
> the smell of grass and earth fillin the air, the sun high in the sky above him
> "Son .." his father said, dashing his tail back and forth, "son .. You ARE commin with
> s, I know ya love dis lands, and ya know dat so do I and so does ya mother, but
> we have no choice .. we must leave" .. He felt his throat dry up and tears pressin
> forth .. "Pa .. I be stayin here .. Ya leave, I be stayin, I seek out dem Warders
> grandpa told me about .. In any case, i Be staying here!" .. His father looked at
> him with a worried look in his eyes .. "Son, ya be old enough to make ya own decisions ..
> But I be hopin ya know what ya gettin yaself into! .. By de Mother herself, I hope ya
> do son.."
> go into panik," .. the deep wound in his chest and belly continued to bleed, the scent of
> the drow was still hanging deep in the air, a long onyx bladed spear lying on the ground,
> its entire shaft stained with a dark unnatural substance. Slowly as in trance, a figure
> commin out of the mists, 2 red burning pieces of coal glowing in the dark .. The scent
> becomming stronger .. Lashin out from his hiding, his claws fully stretched, "Now!"
> was the last thing he remembered.
> Magic, science and social conventions, labels and assigned roles, manmade
> contructions in order to control and develop. In this attempt they have
> alienated and ultimately disregarded their very own foundation of existence.
> Their Spirit. Their true urge and instincts. But small cracks are beginning
> to show in the beforhand so proud and strong walls and towers of stone and steel ..
> The once so proud Manmade constructions, slowly but steady, almost unoticably,
> beginning to give away ..
> "Damnit, we were doing well!" one voice said .. "Yah .. until Taraly snapped ..
> is he turning mad or what?" another voice said. .. "Calm down, dont blame him, its
> the last thing he be needing by now" .. "We Protect, we Preserve and we Punish,
> and in THAT order, and he knows that."
> "He stole my .. instinct .. my sanity .. I am off balance wit woodlands,
> I did as Malaglen said, I stayed in Grove, I meditated and lored, and nothing!
> Nothing has helped!" .. "They dont understand" .. "I am the cat dat lost his mind" ..
> .. He must be keepin it somewhere .. and by de Mother herself, I want it BACK!
> settling into calm. High above treetops, a clear shimmering star,
> distant, cold, but clearer than ever. Again the words echo in
> his mind " us all a favour!" .. A flinch of pain.. "..the
> lich God.." .. Clenched teeth, anger .. "Maybe he did us all a favour!" ..
> taste of blood .. Warm rain against his face .. following a small trail
> no man has made. All those moments lost in time, like, tears in rain.