Posted by Laios on August 19, 2000 at 22:00:02:
In Reply to: There's a point here in all this flame and counterflame (long text?) posted by Nepenthe(IMM) on August 18, 2000 at 11:31:55:
> > Needless to say they aren't that difficult to kill. Especially if you've played that side of the field enough to know what it actually takes to bring you down. > That is so true. I (as a player) learned more about how to kill Ragers playing my first Rager than in the span of playing ten Masters. > If you have a personal hatred of Battle as a player, the best thing you can do is this: Play one when they're getting kicked around like a chew toy. > Save logs. If possible, everytime you die and the ten minutes before it. (Because sometimes the thing that killed you doesn't kill you immediately, dig?) Better yet, save a log of every time you found yourself praying that the person you got away from wouldn't find you (or that anyone wouldn't find you) because you were just in no condition to fight. Save a log of every time you lived, but either felt like you got lucky or that a less skilled player might have died. Save a log of every time any strategy you could usually kill someone with didn't seem to work for some reason, even if the reason seems obvious. Do this for the widest variety of levels and opponents you can. > Play until con death without trying anything intentionally stupid to hasten it. . .or as long as you can stand. Then wait a month to get some distance from those fights. You now have a first draft of your Battle killing bible. Chances are, some of the things you find in there may surprise you if you're insightful. You may find yourself saying "I didn't think (whatever) was a big deal when it happened, but now that I look back over this fight that's what really killed me." or "I was so lucky to survive picking a fight under (whatever) conditions. If (whatever) had happened instead, I would have bit it there for sure." > The above holds to some degree for anything in the game, but in my opinion is more true for Battle than anyone else.