Posted by Gelegrein on August 20, 2000 at 13:02:09:
Well I had hoped to go out better. I had thought a few weeks back 70k that aint so bad, then of course two or three weeks before I hhad thought the same when I had 70k and a 12 con. So I halted at 38. I had hoped to speak with Sebeok again to save my dying ass (for the second time) being as I had the answers to his questions and blah blah blah. I drowned twice today and was speaking with Flontinot about my coming demise all of about a minute before it happened. One minute I'm talkin to Flontinot, and my group the next I see <155hp 266m 493mv> <155hp 266m 493mv> <161hp 290m 497mv> <80hp 290m 493mv> You are protected from the elements. <80hp 275m 493mv> <80hp 275m 493mv> <7hp 294m 493mv> You close your eyes and hum for an instant. <7hp 224m 493mv> <7hp 224m 493mv> You turn into an invincible ghost for a few minutes. Fly by the screen. Oh well. I would like to take a moment and say thanks to Sebeok I honestly believe you are the most kick ass imm I have ever interacted with. This was my first empowered character and I loved every minute of it. Thanks for letting me in Sylvan (no leader when I joined) thanks to Saldarito, Flontinot, Taraly, and a few others I cant seem to remember at the moment. I enjoyed every second of it. I had never before had a character in Sylvan, and my last was a Master so... A lot of people killed me, but I was really going for a hard role, where I wouldnt just go get potions of return transportation, blowfish, other things because I wouldnt enter the city. I wouldn't eat meat, potions were brewed by devils etc etc etc. I would post my role, but didnt have the time before I died. I was honestly glad to log in today and see Flontinot was chosen as captain for sylvan. I had so much fun with you Flontinot, a long span of time that it seemed to be either you or myself and no one else to be seen anywhere. Anyway, thats all sappy, not sure where I'll go next probably try a druid again. I really enjoyed the class all together, better than anything else I've played. One change I'd make to druids is to give them camo. Here's my score, See you all on the flip sid You are Gelegrein the Druid of the New Moon, level 38, 620 years old (284 hours).
You flee from combat!
Nehmenti swims south.
You feel less protected from the elements.
A sahuagin shaman has arrived.
A sahuagin shaman yells 'Gelegrein! Now you die!'
A sahuagin shaman MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
End of a Side Street
[Exits: east]
(Humming) A long, deadly-looking spear tipped with a steel blade lies here.
You flee from combat!
[SYLVAN] Auri: *nod*
Your armor of thorns disappears.
com 'armor of thorns'
A sahuagin shaman has arrived.
A sahuagin shaman yells 'Gelegrein! Now you die!'
A sahuagin shaman MANGLES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
On a Side Street
A loincloth crudely woven from brown kelp lies here
(Translucent) A misty silver spirit floats here, watching the city streets.
A silvery-grey golem slowly strides through the ruined city.
A golem made completely from gold patrols the streets of the ruined city.
You flee from combat!
Thorns sprout from your skin as you undergo metamorphosis.
Smelling the scent of blood, a giant shark swims towards you with savage hunger!
You parry a giant shark's bite.
You parry a giant shark's bite.
A giant shark is in perfect health.
You parry a giant shark's bite.
A giant shark's bite MUTILATES you!
You have been KILLED!!
As long as you don't attack anything.
Your vitality has faded. You gasp your last breaths.
[SYLVAN] an ancient grey bear: Farewell, Gelegrein. May there be peace in your absence.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...
You stop following a snapping turtle.
You are middle-aged.
Race: wood-elf Sex: male Class: druid Hometown: Open Plains
You have 398/493 hit, 213/688 mana, 497/497 movement.
You have 4 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 21/32 items.
Your items weigh 223 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 320 pounds).
Str: 18(19) Int: 23(23) Wis: 21(21) Dex: 21(19) Con: 4(6) Chr: 16(16)
You have scored 277506 exp, and have 4100 gold coins.
You need 63734 exp to level.
Wimpy set to 200 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -218 bash: -218 slash: -226 magic: -169
You are divinely armored against piercing.
You are divinely armored against bashing.
You are divinely armored against slashing.
You are divinely armored against magic.
Hitroll: 21 Damroll: 22.
You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Spirit.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'armor of thorns' modifies none by 0 for 3 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies armor class by 30 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies damage roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'frenzy' modifies hit roll by 7 for 4 hours.
Commune: 'water breathing' modifies none by 0 for 18 hours.
Skill: 'bark skin' modifies armor class by -57 for 16 hours.
Commune: 'carapace' modifies armor class by -136 for 23 hours.
Skill: 'protection elements' modifies none by 0 for 2 hours.
Commune: 'protection from metals' modifies none by 0 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'giant strength' modifies strength by 4 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 22 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -8 for 20 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 4 for 20 hours.