Yeah, well I'm gone.:

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Posted by Sheremata/Imbrogno on August 21, 2000 at 13:10:59:

A healer. *dismay* I was going to join the Arbiters, but that's a pointless venture. I never saw Grislan, though I'm told he's been around, and I haven't seen the neutral Lord. So ta hells with it.

Xeviat, Shyntlara, Qxorlarran, thank you all for being the only decent groupmates I ever had, the rest were idiots. Shyntlara, you especially were a joy to be around and it was refreshing to meet another drow that actually knew of the Lyceum's writing on the culture.

Arvam, Cerleis, it was always fun giving you two a hard time in the Inn. You were good sports though.

Zulghinlour, it was an interesting empowerment process. Sheremata hated bending knee to a male deity and I tried to get that across.

Arbiters, damn. Show up for chrissakes. Chajede, Kraxiz, and Kipaloz are the only ones I saw on a regular basis.

Last evil I ever play, to hard to find a decent groupmate.

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