It take 5 berserker, 2 scout and 5 defender to kill a mage, god you areretarded raudruk :P:

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Posted by LOL on August 22, 2000 at 00:33:22:

In Reply to: Well this has gone on long enough... I am quiting for a bit, and I dont care if you dont care, read it if you want too :P posted by Raudruk on August 21, 2000 at 22:33:39:

> I am a hardcore rager player myself, and the last few characters I had, I was able to learn or thing with, with each character my rp was enhanced along with my pking ability which is still below average.

> Sickening, just plain sick and stupid how every dumb retard gets into ragers, some laugh when other ragers die, or get fucked by something like the enforcer. It gets on my nerves seeing 6-7 ragers on all the time, thats the reason for my leave.

> Barsimmon no offense, your a pretty good guy and you know rp and all but any dumb shmo can pass your interviews, its either your way too nice, or you just want ragers to thrive.

> Cabals are supposed to be ELITE, yes at times we should give newbies a taste but my rant is because I am starting to feel bad when I hear 4-5 ragers argueing about the one mage they wanna whack in a city, enough is seriously enough, how many berserkers are there? how many scouts? how many defenders?

> In the time of Thror I believe the same should be done, he made sure assassins wouldnt enter the VIllage, and I think the same should be done for berserkers... its really gotten outtahand watching those d-blowing berserkers tear all hell up.

> Well thats my rant, thats my suggestion, and I dont give a shit about comments... but you can leave them anyway.

> By the way Thror is the coolest imm, and cf has a wicked immortal staff!

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