I've said before and I'll say again ....:

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Posted by Beladorizid on August 22, 2000 at 01:38:13:

In Reply to: Well this has gone on long enough... I am quiting for a bit, and I dont care if you dont care, read it if you want too :P posted by Raudruk on August 21, 2000 at 22:33:39:

Raudruk can't find his ass with two hands and a map.

He spouts here like on IRC, bitching and whining, but ask him once to back up his words, then your an asshole or such. If you listen to him long enough, he actually believes, if you can believe this, that he is pretty much the best current rager player going, that everyone else are fuckups. Raudruk, I told you this today, and I will say it again, if you ever learn to make a point, and back it up with logic, people might actually listen to what you have to say. But when you come on IRC, and pick out 1 rager, one who you say knows what they are doing (other than you of course) and the rest are, your words I believe, "fuck ups" and "useless", you totally lose all credibility in the eyes of those around you. Everyone is laughing at you because of comments like these. I say this to be nice. Make a point, back it up, or just shut up please. Or you and Graatch go and vacation together, and compare reasons why CF sucks.

*rant off*

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