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Posted by curious on August 22, 2000 at 14:31:35:

In Reply to: Obituary for Mahjri Bfarido posted by soren on August 19, 2000 at 05:11:42:

> ******************************************************************************
> Obituary for Mahjri Bfarido
> Mahjri Bfarido was born in the desert south of New Thalos and was, as a young necromancer in a foreign land, very insecure of his skills and abilities. Becoming a master was not his wish since he felt unworthy. Later as New Thalos was changed to Mu’tazz he talked to his guildmaster and became unwanted within the necromancer guild in Mu’tazz. He hoped for re-admissions into the guild but it never happened. As he grew older and more learned in his craft he also gained a bit of self-confidence. His only regret at this was all the sacrifices he had to make to gain the knowledge he so much wanted. With time he became an old and frail man with little time for his studies within the tower of magic, so when he learned about his younger brothers illness he decided to return to the desert to see if his powers could save his brother. Never did he return from the desert he always called home.
> *******************************************************************************
> Deleting a character you’ve played 300 hours is never easy. Especially someone you’ve had as much fun with as I did with Bfarido. His gimmick was the Middle Eastern touch. Picking up a few words from some books and with help from a friend (thanks Basim) he tried to make his talk show his up bringing. Often I would log on, play for 5 or 6 hours without doing ‘anything’ other than talk and roleplay with deferent people. It was very rewarding.

> Towards the end, these last 3-4 weeks, all I did was log on, reclaim the Orb only to see it be raided within the next 20 min. by hero Ragers. This, combined with the policy of the Empire not to group with masters, made it almost impossible to advance further. Then add 3 mob deaths and you will find a necromancer very stuck at level 44. That wouldn’t have been so bad except that all I tried to talk with brushed me of and I found myself getting bitter and starting to think up new projects while playing Bfarido. In the end I started sac’ing eq from those I had killed and doing repeat-killing for almost no reasons, for that I apologize.

> It is here I guess I should thank the people that helped me make Bfarido fun and many instances come to mind. Sadly names are fleeing knowledge so few are remembered.

> Cirianna, I appreciate the hours we spend talking. I always hoped you would catch up with me level-vice so we could travel again in groups or we could find some other way around our differences. In my mind I saw us standing at the Elven cleric when I quaffed the potion, but I guess that was always just a dream.

> Masters, well, I liked some and some I didn’t. Xolthul, That peace loving Transmuter, The Necromancer Adept I spoke with in Sentryn, The Svirf conji that helped me and Cirianna, The Lion Transmuter all of you helped make Bfarido one of the top characters on the fun list.

> Many from the Empire helped me until level 40 and to all those I am grateful, Krog is one I could always count on. Then a bunch that became anathema helped me as well, Kanthalesa was one.

> Battle, First of I am sorry I killed you all those times Jorg. It has bugged me since but really attacking the golem knowing I am fully ready is asking for it. I ask you to stop it since I was feeling bad about it and you did (what ever the reason) thanks. The good assassin I talked with about the aim of masters and battle, keep up the good work, would have liked to talk to you some more. Jirgollo or what ever you name is, for a time I disliked most intense to walk in the dwarven forest but you out-ranked me as so many others of the foes I fought.

> Also, when Bfarido was in the 30ths he was with many arbiters, lot a fun hunting criminals and I sure wish some of the evil arbiters had stuck it out to hero with me. Frellis and the Ap with L or A both deleted and left me hanging.

> So many more, but they are connected with stories and events and the names involved escapes my memory.

> Thanks for 300 hours well spend,

> Salaam

> Bfarido aka. Søren

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