Tried to log in last night but found no records of her. Farewell to all:

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Posted by [Auto-deleted] Glyn on August 22, 2000 at 19:56:17:

It seems I can only play CF at home. My workplace no longer supports normal modem (it's using a digital line) and the I can't get pass the proxy. At home, my spouse nags about the phone bills and I have a family to care for. I'm still holding onto a character in CF but at the rate i'm going, I don't think he'll last too.

For your info, this is my first rager and dagger specs warrior. I enjoyed playing her a lot, especially the defender part and interacted with many. I wanted Glyn to be the feminine side of the village, to put a woman's touch in a place of blood spills and rage. Well, she kinda did that a little. Glyn was among the first few inducted by Aniedra after the last purge. In the first few periods of the village, we were kicked around by the Imperials and Masters. Even Entropy taunted us. The highest ranking was Magtomore, followed by me and then Aniedra. Barsimmon, Ayragus, Ike, the barking ranger (forgot your name) and the rest soon caught up with me. I remember you too Leirya. Stalking assassin that was a pain in my ass. Lots of battles with fellow ragers and I thoroughly enjoyed the duels and raids.

Village :
Thanks Aniedra for inducting me. We kicked some ass, edpecially Xolthul, aye? And you too, Ike. And the scouting bard Aryagus. The the doggy ranger. *bark*. Magtomgramme, you too. Too bad you con-died. You were the only high ranking warrior against the on-slaught of masters and Imperials. And grandfather Thror, who let me bounce on his lap.

Masters :
You people are powerful especially when you close up ranks together. Damn it was tuff trying to raid, most of which, I died. It's tuff playing a defender when you can't deal out damage fast enough.


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