Posted by Gorlin Vend on August 22, 2000 at 19:58:12:
Well I started Gorlin, just to try out an invoker.. and I ended up in Troupe. My previous image for a trouper couldn't fit in with an invoker (spending all that time on practicing spells and tending a bar), and I really was left practically with no friends to rank with.. what can I say.. it was fun for a while.. then the fun somehow stoped. Pintose: *tip* Aeveran: I expected more of you, and not pkwise. Liola: You did give me quite the shivers while you were camping outside the Inn. Jacynth: Sorry. Arvam: Had fun with you. Sorry I couldn't make it for the play.. I really wanted to be there.. but oh well other things came up. And thank you for everything. You did alot for Gorlin. Gaddy: Keep Hillcrest safe for me, and you can have the naked svirfnebli woman that is hiding in the Cellar now. Curly: Loved chasing you with fire aorund the Inn. Proserpina: We never came to talk again about the Lost Diary. Astillian & Wispen: We rarely buped into each other. Selitha: *clap clap clap clap* I enjoyed every moment I've spent with you. But you sure found the way how to make a gnome misserable. I knew that it was going to come to that on the end actually. But anyway, you were the one that made this char most memorable. I really wanted to see you dance. *wink* I hope to bump into you in the fields again. And as for the rest of the band I forgot.. sorry, some of you didn't show up in my usual time at all.