Posted by Torria on August 23, 2000 at 11:51:43:
Well, I do believe this is the most interesting charector ive played. My first hero ever. After i got her heroed things got pretty boring, so i decided to go off and join empire to spice things up..i figured it would be interesting, and it was for a little bit..but then all the dying and other side effects of betraying the light caught up with me and i decided to go ahead and delete. I dunno, i geuss getting turned back to the light would have been interesting..but i just dont have the time to actually do all that with college and all...SO..ill probably start a new char at some point, though i doubt ill go off and do all this again. Thanks to everyone for there help and what not. Im not even going to begin to list all the names of people who ive interacted with in the cabals and all..but dont feel bad..if you wanna talk or something Email me.. See ya in the fields Torria