Posted by *ORB* Full of THC and Ideas on August 23, 2000 at 18:21:34:
In Reply to: What can I say? The last Masters of high levels have really done poorly. Xolthul? Betazenth? Bfarido? Give me a break. Good riddance. posted by Mr. Nuggechinos on August 23, 2000 at 15:54:29:
> > > Imms: A wonderfull game you have here, I'll be back for more. I was dissapointed that you guys seem to have put Masters on the back burner, very little Imm interaction with the Cabal it seems. The whole Biomancer thing got me interested, but then it never went anywhere. > > Master: Wow, where to start. Hifflio thanks for inducting me, Loved your whole dragon tower roleplay. Aristobolous, Phabien, Annabelle, Randarab, Jafel, Shenara, Merissila, Xolthul, Juxposona you were all fun to interact and travel with. Rendak I guess being made Lord Adept has more to do with Pk then Roleplay, all I ever saw from you was Gear hording. Hruptek I didn't dislike you, but you definately had no place in Master, you roleplayed a gnome like a duergar pirate. Narlock didn't have much interaction with you, but it seems like your going to do a decent job. > > Battle: GOD I HATE ENTWINE! Well you guys didn't become a force until I was really old, and my con was near nothing from all my exploring deaths. I had a lot of fun fighting you all. Matagrome, Ikemasuka, Jigorlo, Kealiran, Trifiv(you barks always made me laugh), Aryagus, and a bunch I'm probably forgetting. Barsimmon you were always a good fight, did I mention I HATE ENTWINE, well you have the Honor of being the one to finish me off, nicely done. > > Sylvan: Malaglen I respected you as a skilled pk'r and rp'r though we only talked and fought a few times. Flontinot you always made me laugh when you asked me why I was so mean. Others of note Shalvend and Gergran. > > Empire: Betazenth had a special hatred for Imperial blades after one of them stupidly killed his familiar. As for the others I remember two Imperial healers and Gaaste whome I traveled with a bunch. And Riaoz it really was my note to Gaaste that got you anathema'd, serves you right for being such a snot:p > > Troupe: Well you guys were my favorite target for Clairaudience as you already know. I wasn't too happy with the tension that started when I unraveled your evil plot;p Gadinias and Astillian our clusterfuck of a hell trip was too funny. Cerleis you never did steal that key for me. > > Entropy and Scarab: none of you come to mind. > > Arbiter: Kennan you and I had our ups and downs, but mainly ups. I thought it funny that the day after we argued about flagging Trifiv, another Arbiter flagged me on the testimony of two Warders for attacking a third. > > Non-caballed: Gendo you were a blast to travel with, always full of usefull information. That conjurer who had the Felar head attahed to him, you were a riot, I was always dissapointed you dissapeared. > > I know I'm forgetting a bunch of people but that's what happens when you have a way over 500 hour old character. Well I'll be back, probably as another Master, see If I can't help them get thier Act together, see you in the Fields....... > In greens I trust.
> > Well my first Conjurer, and I must say he was a blast. I made more mistakes then I can remember, but a Master Conjurer kicks enough ass to make up for most mistakes. My only commentary on them is that the All or nothing aspect, Luminous or Transplendant is annoying as hell, especially at Hero. There really should be some kind of inbetween. As my first Master since Vizzagoth, I was really dissapointed in the way the Cabal is now. It seems so dissorganized, you can attack whom ever you want, don't have to perfect spells, half of Master wanted to ally themselves with sylvan while the other half wanted to war on them, it just seems a big mess. Anyway, I made Betazenth to test out Conjurer's and Explore and boy did I explore. I wound up becoming Record Keeper because I wanted to have a bigger role in the Tower, as seen from the meeting of the Minds I organized. And now goodbye's