Posted by Same ranger on August 25, 2000 at 02:26:29:
In Reply to: Just something to share about my roles so far... (Part 1) posted by A Ranger on August 25, 2000 at 02:25:30:
"He's coming around and about time too." "Good light! I thought we had lost him." "Nay, he's a strong lad, I'm sure." Opening his eye, *** saw blurry images of people peering over him. The explosion "You shouldn't touch it while it's not fully healed, boy," came a stern gruff voice. "Wh-what happened? Where am I?" Blinking with his good eye, the images became clearer. "Well, you could say you dropped out from the sky," the gnome replied. "You, erm, Coughing loudly, the felar ranger glared at the gnome. "You talk too much sometimes, The gnome chuckled loudly but suddenly became serious. "I'm sorry. We tried to help your dad. Your mom too, lad. Erm, we came a little *** felt cold and empty before the truth hit him. Suddenly he felt like crying and Dogs, Imperial dogs! I swear they will taste the very dirt I walk and gut them right. "You are in safe hands now. ***? That's your name, right? If my memory did not fail me. Tucking the tired boy beneath the blanket, Flontinot smiled assuringly. "You'll feel With a grim look upon his face, the felar ranger turned to his friend. "Send the elven
of fireball still rung in his ears. Fear gripped him and he struggled to rise, to run.
But firm, gentle hands pushed him back. The bed felt soft and good upon his aching
body. Realising that he was looking thru' his right eye only, he immediately lifted
his hand upon his face. Waves of pain flooded his skin as his hand brushed a damp
cloth wrapped around his head and left side of his face.
A short gnome and a felar stood beside his bed. From the green-brownish outfit the
felar wore, *** concluded he was a forest trapper just like he was.
somehow fell into our path while we were, erm, watching. You know it's funny how
you come tumbling down. Your arms were failing wildly, your legs twisted..."
Gelegrein." The gnome hunched his shoulders but his eyes glinted in mischief. "I'm
Flontinot, a friend of your father. We have heard some commotion in the forest while
travelling there and decided to check it out. Coming out from under the valley, we were
trying to make sense of the large group of people yelping like dogs when you came
tumbling into our path. I guessed you fell off the edge of the cliff while fleeing."
late, you could say. The bunch of Imperial dogs were too many, erm, and your parents
were, erm, a little beyond our reach. Um, we tried, lad. I'm sorry..."
cried he did, loudly. He remembered his dad and his mother. The ranger wrapped his arms
around and comforted him. The gnome bit his lower lips in silence. "We know your dad, boy.
He was a good man and excellent hunter. We travelled together in the past. Married a fine
lady, your mom. Word got around that the Imperials were going to expand into his territory.
We never realised they did it so quickly and efficiently. I'm sorry too."
They will pay dearly for their foul acts against my family and against the peace violated
against the forest.
You've grown much since the last time I visited your dad. Your dad, erm, he was so happy
for his new-born son that night and we, erm, had a big celebration for him. He got drunk
stupor and, erm, started singing..." The gnome stopped short when *** sobbed even more.
"I think I'll stop. Um, just rest well, eh?"
better the next light, lad. I'll be coming to look for you. Give me a smile." ***
smiled weakly but as soon as he closed his eyes, fatigue slumber overcome him.
scouts requesting the warders to meet at the Grove in two day's time. I think the
Imperials are up to something and I want to know what. As for the lad, we'll wait and
see. I sense the wild blood of his father flowing in him. He might join our cause.
We'll see then..."