ok, the WHOLE story:

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Posted by Hruptek on August 25, 2000 at 07:06:41:

In Reply to: I forgot something ... posted by Soren(VIP) on August 23, 2000 at 15:49:53:

Since only 4 people other than myself and Narlock know what REALLY happened, I'm going to post my ENITER interraction with Narlock from the time he became leader (it's not that long, and everything but our actual speaking and emotes has been cut out, so don't start panicing about post floods, cause I'm not doing that again, I'm not even going to format this one so I'll be able to fit in alot more...

<799hp 1100m 452mv>
Narlock tells you 'Have a moment to speak with me?'

You tell Narlock 'aye'

You tell Narlock 'I'm coming to the Tower'

Narlock tells you 'We can do so through these means if you wish. Or if you prefer I am in the Tower.'

You tell Narlock 'I'm near the tower'

The Practice chamber

[Exits: south]
Narlock is here.

You see a slight figure in embroidered robes standing here. His hair is
the color of freshly cut wheat, his eyes the color of the sky on a clear
day. His skin is pale and unmarred, smooth as the finest silk. His hands
show lack of physical labor but seem to be quite dextrous. About his body
you see a finely made silk robe with intricate embroidery of strange,
unfamiliar symbols. About his waist is a belt of fine threads that look
like hundreds of strands of hair. Hanging from the belt you see several
pouches marked by indecipherable symbols. He has a sheath for a dagger
made of tanned leather and adorned with gold decorations. In his hands
he carries an axe with a fine silver blade. His boots look very comfortable
and broken in. Around his wrist is a charm of mithril from which hangs
a symbol of a Quill.
Narlock, a male elf, is in perfect health.

Narlock is using:
a ring embossed with lightning bolts
a ring embossed with lightning bolts
(Glowing) the amulet of Ravenkind
(Humming) a bone breastplate
(Glowing) the headdress of Galadriel
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) leggings of Sorcery
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) boots of Electricity
a pair of steel backed gauntlets
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
a skin from the snow leopard
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) a belt of Thermatology
an elemental bracelet
an elemental bracelet
a Tome of Knowledge

<799hp 1040m 407mv>
Narlock smiles happily.

You nod.

Narlock looks at you.

You say 'what is it you wished to speak with me about?'

Narlock says 'thank you for speaking with me.'

You are using:
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) Ring of Wizardry
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) Ring of Wizardry
a living Boa Constrictor
a living Boa Constrictor
(Glowing) the mantle of the stars
the circlet of the living seas
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) leggings of Sorcery
(Glowing) the cobbler's shoes
spiked combat gloves
(Invis) (Glowing) (Humming) sleeves of Alchemy
a skin from the snow leopard
a girdle of giant strength
an elemental bracelet
(Glowing) a jeweled golden bracelet
(Glowing) an alligator-skin whip
(Invis) (Humming) the Silver Serpent

You nod.

You say 'it's no problem'

Narlock says 'Another Interview of Sorts.'

You chuckle politely.

You say 'ok'

Narlock says 'I am confident you will know what I ask, still I must ask these things.'

You nod.

Narlock says 'We are in need of a new Lord Adept of Transmutation.'

You nod.

Narlock says 'Tell me, how does your guildmaster teach you to see the invisible? How does your spell differ from mine?'

You say 'well, my spell slightly alters my eyes to allow me to see it. Your's I'm not so sure of, because, well, I'm not a conjurer'

You say 'I haven't studied your art'

Narlock says 'Indeed you should, please speculate.'

Narlock says 'I expect all Masters to know all the Magics in great depth'

Hruptek gets a look of deep thought upon his face as he considers the arts of conjuration.

Narlock smiles happily.

You say 'Hmm.. perhaps you bring forth an energy field of some sort in front of you, around you, or perhaps just over your eyes, which makes the unseen visable'

Narlock says 'hmm'

<799hp 1040m 452mv> You say 'bring forth, conjure up'

Narlock says 'Tell me, how does an Invoker see the invisible?'

You say 'merely speculation'

<799hp 1067m 452mv> Hruptek ponders for a moment.

You say 'well, heat waves are typically invisable.....'

***Balkesar walks in right here and asks for a slow. I give him one, then ask him to leave, and he does. However, I had not finished my answer***

You say 'now, where was I../'

You say 'ah yes'

<799hp 1028m 452mv> You say 'invokers'

Narlock nods.

Narlock says 'Name the elements they harness.'

You say 'well, I can think of a couple different possiblities for invokers'

You say 'oh'

You say 'well, the pure elements consist of fire, water, earth, and air, and then the quasi elements are lightning and frost'

Narlock says 'Frost is a quasi element?'

You say 'well, that's a para-element'

You say 'lighting is quasi'

Narlock nods.

Narlock says 'How does Nature affect your spells?'

You say 'it hinders them'

You say 'as it does all magic'

You say 'I am not naturally a wolf, or a cat'

You say 'to remain natural does not allow me to do the things I can do in those forms'

Narlock says 'Hruptek I find your Knowledge of some things quite lacking. I expect you speak with another Master, and get some study time in.'

Narlock says 'Still you are cerainly a faithful Master.'

You say 'which things are lacking?'

Narlock says 'I am going to speak with some applicants, I suggest you find another master to confer with.'

You say 'what areas am I lacking in?'

Narlock smiles at you.

You say 'so that I know which to study?'

Narlock says 'I tell you this, if I were to interview you. You would have answers for all that I asked, or you would not walk within the Tower.'

Narlock says 'balkesar I inducted, Speak with him if you see fit.'

<799hp 940m 452mv> You say 'what have I not answered?'

You say 'I hadn't finished my answer about seeing the invisable before we were interrupted'

You say 'and then you asked me a new question'

<799hp 962m 452mv>
Narlock says 'My ability to see the ivisible, the way of Necromancy to see such things, and indeed more.'

Narlock says 'I have only begun to ask questions.'

Narlock says 'Indeed, you had not even begun correctly'

Narlock says 'I must go, I will return and speak with you if you liek'

<799hp 987m 452mv> You say 'you asked me to speculate'

You nod.

<799hp 987m 452mv>
Narlock says 'like even'

<799hp 987m 452mv> You say 'I would'

<799hp 987m 452mv>
Narlock utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Narlock disappears.

You tell Narlock 'how long will you be around yet?'

Narlock tells you 'for some time, then I will take a short leave and return for along stay'

You tell Narlock 'in that case, I'm going to retire to the study in my home where I have access to all of my magical notes and books, where I can better research the questions you seek answers too'

Narlock tells you 'Indeed'

[MASTER] Hruptek: farewell for now, scholars. I'll return when my research is compeleted

[MASTER] the Archmage: The Orb of Magic dims a bit as Hruptek leaves us.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...
The strength of the giants leaves you.

- !----!!M?M$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MM!!<
' !M!--!!!MMM$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$MMM!X$! A Playerkilling/Roleplaying
-!8!:!!!MMMMM$$$$$$$$$$$$RMMMX8RX- MUD
!!:-MRX!-!!MM$$$$8$$$$$$$$$MMMM$R!-! Original DikuMUD by
'!X:--?X!--!!!M$$$RMR$$$$RMMRMM$R!!!X! Hans Staerfeldt, Katya
-XX 'MX:!!!!!?RRMMMMM!!XMMMM$R- !?!-X$P"````----!M!!---`#*R$$M ! -!MXf -!-!!!X! "k!!!- Hammer
'!!!X !X!M?X '!!!-
- :!XMMX : ::s@---!!!Mbx:!!<::X8k ! Based on Merc 2.1 by
!!!$$$MTMM8$#!! ! MXX!R$W86SW$$!!! Hatchet, Furey, and
!!!M$$#TT!!!!!- ! X!!!!!!RR#M!!! Khan
`!MW$M- -!!M!! ! !!:!-- #$R?!!
-:.. -XM!k:!#hHMX!!- ::- carrionfields.org 9999
-M! !X! !XR!$MM$$$$$$?MM! '!! Created from ROM 2.3 by
`MX 'XXX t!@!H!X8X '!> Yuval Oren, Matt Hamby,
!!X!!X!" MM$M$RR*?.!!:X! Barbara Hargrove
?&M!MR$M> M9M5M!!XMM
M!?XX!!RRt?M@NRX?!XMX!R Maintained by
`!!MHXX!!Mt!MMXWMM!!! BoltThrower, Galadriel, Jullias,
`!XM$$$R9M$RTMMX- Nepenthe, Pico, and Balgrimnr
`""!""` Greeting screen designed by
Zapata (bsinger1.netcom.com)

Carrion Fields - Friday, August 18, 2000, 2:24 PM

Narlock tells you 'come to me'

<1417hp 1065m 452mv> You say 'I go to speak with Narlock'

Narlock says 'then I ask this of You. I wish you to speak with Hruptek.'

Narlock bows before you.

Bfarido looks at Hruptek, his black eyes glaring.

You nod.

Bfarido looks at you.

Bfarido turns to Narlock.

Narlock says 'He has a few things to learn.'

Bfarido says 'We shall speak another time if you so wish Learned Leader.'

Bfarido leaves south.
A ghoul leaves south.
A flesh golem leaves south.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier leaves south.

Narlock says 'How are your studies?'
You say 'I'll give you the answer to your first question that I truely believe, and have believed since Hifflio inducted me, before the wording of your question mislead me'

You say 'the spell detect invis is one of several spells that crosses over the various schools of magic. I would say that it's a transmutation spell, but as other spells similar, it is a basic one used for teaching the student concentration'

You say 'and the manipulation of the magics surrounding him'

Narlock says 'indeed you are wrong already'

You say 'or her'

You say 'just as is faerie fire, and invis'

Level 1: armor 5 mana faerie fire 5 mana
ventriloquate 5 mana
Level 2: detect magic 5 mana
Level 3: detect invis 5 mana
Level 4: invis 5 mana
Level 6: continual light 7 mana
Level 9: infravision 5 mana
Level 10: fly 35 mana transform 150 mana
Level 11: giant strength 20 mana
Level 13: faerie fog 12 mana
Level 14: teleport 35 mana water breathing 25 mana
Level 15: haste 30 mana identify 12 mana
locate object 20 mana
Level 17: dispel magic 15 mana
Level 18: cancellation 20 mana earthbind 35 mana
Level 19: slow 30 mana
Level 22: fumble 35 mana
Level 23: enlarge 40 mana
Level 24: pass door 20 mana
Level 25: stone skin 60 mana
Level 26: reduce 40 mana
[Hit Return to continue]
Level 28: word of recall 5 mana
Level 30: scourge 40 mana shapeshift 80 mana
Level 31: soften 60 mana
Level 34: spiderhands 60 mana
Level 36: control translucence 70 mana
Level 37: halt person 40 mana

You say 'armor, ventriloquate'

You say 'detect magic'

People near you:
(PK) Narlock The Second Floor landing
(PK) Bfarido The Pinnacle of the Tower
(PK) Hruptek The Practice chamber
(PK) Xolthul The Pinnacle of the Tower
Balkesar The Pinnacle of the Tower

You say 'such spells are basic spells which cross over the various schools'

People near you:
(PK) Narlock The Second Floor landing
(PK) Bfarido The Pinnacle of the Tower
(PK) Hruptek The Practice chamber
(PK) Xolthul The Pinnacle of the Tower
Balkesar The Pinnacle of the Tower

The Halls of Knowledge

[Exits: north east south]

<799hp 1100m 451mv> The Second Floor landing

[Exits: east west up down]
Narlock is here.

Bfarido has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

Narlock says 'Never question me like that again'

Narlock says 'is that clear?'

Bfarido says 'I shall not.'

Narlock says 'Do as I ask'


Bfarido bows his head, apologizing most profoundly.
You say 'oh, him'

Narlock says 'when you are finished I will speak with him.'

<799hp 1030m 452mv> The Halls of Knowledge

[Exits: north east south]

<799hp 1030m 451mv> The Practice chamber

[Exits: south]

<799hp 1092m 452mv> The Halls of Knowledge

[Exits: north east south]

The Second Floor landing

[Exits: east west up down]
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
(Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
(Charmed) A flesh golem stands here.
(Ghostly) Xolthul is here.
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
(Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
(Ghostly) Bfarido is here.
Narlock is here.

<799hp 1092m 450mv> The Tower Foyer

[Exits: north south west up]

The southern alcove

[Exits: north east west]

<799hp 1092m 448mv> The Scrying Chamber

[Exits: east]

The southern alcove

[Exits: north east west]

<799hp 1092m 446mv> The Grand Meeting Hall

[Exits: west]

<799hp 1092m 445mv>
Your skin feels soft again.

Your skin turns to stone.

The southern alcove

[Exits: north east west]

<799hp 1040m 451mv> The Tower Foyer

[Exits: north south west up]
Narlock is here.

<799hp 1040m 450mv>
Xolthul tells the group 'you ready to take a look around? or are you busy.'

<799hp 1040m 450mv> The northern alcove

[Exits: east south west]

Narlock tells you 'He will speak with you.'

Bfarido has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

<799hp 1040m 449mv>
Bfarido leaves west.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier leaves west.
A ghoul leaves west.

You tell Narlock 'He?'

<799hp 1040m 448mv>
Xolthul buys 5 of some wyvern jerky.

<799hp 1040m 448mv>
You slowly float to the ground.

<799hp 1057m 452mv> Your feet rise off the ground.

<799hp 1022m 452mv>
Xolthul puts some wyvern jerky in a large sack.
Xolthul puts some wyvern jerky in a large sack.
Xolthul puts some wyvern jerky in a large sack.
Xolthul puts some wyvern jerky in a large sack.
Xolthul puts some wyvern jerky in a large sack.

<799hp 1022m 452mv>
Xolthul scans west.

<799hp 1022m 452mv>
Xolthul leaves west.
You follow Xolthul.
The northern alcove

[Exits: east south west]
(Ghostly) Xolthul is here.
A flesh golem has arrived.
A ghoul has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.
A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier has arrived.

<799hp 1022m 451mv>
Xolthul scans west.

The Wizards' Lounge

[Exits: east]
(Charmed) A gibbering ghoul hovers here in the shadows.
(Charmed) A zombie of an elite storm giant soldier is here.
Bfarido is here.

Bfarido tells you 'Student Hruptek, I ask you join me'

Bfarido nods.

Narlock tells you 'Forgive me, Bfarido will speak with you now.'

Bfarido looks around for a chair.

You say 'yes?'

Bfarido says 'Yes, I was asked to speak with you.'

You nod.

Bfarido says 'Of what matter I am unsure'

Hruptek sits in a sofa and stares into the fire.

Hruptek looks as though he is still listening.

Bfarido walks infront of you, blocking the view to the fireplace.

Bfarido says 'I belive you do not seek knowledge'

Hruptek looks up.

Bfarido says 'But you wish only the power Qel'a el Sehr will grant you'

You say 'you believe wrong'

Bfarido says 'So you have said before when spoken to directly'

You say 'it is true, I do seek power, but that is tertiary to knowledge'

Bfarido says 'But the words you share with the Archmage tells other vice'

Bfarido says 'Always you speak of strength to fight'

Bfarido says 'and kill'

You say 'I seek power secondary to the interests of the Tower, and tertiary to knowledge'

Bfarido takes a hasty look at his undeads.

You say 'the actions that my life involves deal much with dealing with those who seek to destroy all I work for'

You say 'above all else, I crave knowledge'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'this has been since I was a mere child'

You say 'and it has never changed'

Bfarido looks at his old and wrinkled hands.

You say 'and never will'

Bfarido turns his gace from his hands to you.

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'I understand that power comes with a great deal of knowledge'

You say 'but it does not consume me'

You say 'to me, it is simply a tool'

You say 'to be used when needed'

You say 'such as slaying those who try to stand in my way of learning all there is to learn'

You say 'the village, and the sylvans with their bloody nature'

Bfarido does a discarting motion with his left hand.

You say 'but when I do not have to deal with them, I occupy my time researching various things'

You say 'in fact, I currently have two projects going right now'

Bfarido says 'Dealing with them is a pesky time consuming leasure to gather corpses.'

Bfarido looks at you.

You say 'I need not corpses'

Bfarido says 'Not circling around the gain of power for you ?'

Bfarido replaces the black cloth around his head.

Bfarido drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt.

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'I need only some time of uninterrupted study with which I can research the things that grab my curiosity'

You say 'currently I research one of the ancient sa'angreals'

Bfarido says 'Walk with me, Student Hruptek'

You now follow Bfarido.

You say 'I know of two of them, at this point'

You say 'one of which I've mastered'

You say 'the other I know very little of, but I suspect it's nature'

Bfarido says 'Indeed. it is a facinating matter these articfacts'

You say 'and need only to find a way to research it properly to discove how to opperate it'

Bfarido says 'Now, this place .. this Library'

Bfarido walks along the rows of books, letting his fingers touch the back of each one.

Bfarido says 'What knowledge do they hold ?'

Bfarido says 'Who wrote them and what are they about '

You say 'they hold all the accumulated knowledge of the students of this Tower over the centuries that it has stood'

Bfarido nods agreeing.

You say 'however, there are somethings which are not in here'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> Bfarido says 'So, you belive you will one day add knowledge to this place such as those before you ?'

You say 'indeed I do'

Bfarido nods again.

Bfarido says 'Speak to me about the knowledge they hold'

You say 'what do you wish to know?'

Bfarido says 'Tell me about the five magics'

You say 'only four of them are known'

Bfarido shakes his head as if he spoke some joke only he understood.

You say 'first off'

You say 'the 4 known ones are transmutation, conjuration, invokation and necromancy'

<799hp 1065m 452mv> Bfarido walks to the tables and sits down on a chair. His body looking worn.

Bfarido says 'Speak first of transmutation'

You say 'though I"ve witnessed first hand a way of manipulation of magic by tracing runes in the air'

Bfarido says 'Stay focused Student'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'this is extremely remenisant of my interview for induction with Hifflio'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'need I repeat the whole thing?'

Bfarido says 'Refuse if you wish.'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'what I wish is to know the bloody point to this'

Bfarido says 'I am to examine you knowledge'

Bfarido says 'Not of my own will I assure you'

Bfarido says 'My time can be better spend.'

You say 'is this by Narlock's request, I take it?'

Bfarido motioning all the tomes on the shelves.

Bfarido glares a bit.

Bfarido says 'Yes, it is'

Bfarido raises from his meditation and adjusts his black clothing and is then ready again.

Line too long.
You say 'you know, I find it very insulting that he feels I must be interviewed again, and asked the very same questions I answered when I was first inducted, only now the answers I gave, which were impressively accurate to one leader, are now totally wrong tw'

You say 'two leader's down the road'

You say 'er, leaders'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> Bfarido turns his back to you.

Bfarido says 'Little do I care. Tell this to Narlock, the learned leader'

You say 'heh, I tried'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'just the moment before he walked out of the room'

You say 'one moment'

You say 'let me check on something quick'

You say 'could you please wait here for me?'

You say 'I won't be long'

You nod.

Balkesar says 'Greetings'

You say 'you remember our conversation before you were inducted, yes?'

Balkesar nods.

Balkesar says 'I do'

Narlock tells you 'Bfarido told me 'He does not wish to speak with me. Deems it an insulting event, and does not answer my questions''

Narlock tells you 'is this true?'

You say 'you remember what we discussed about various spells being of a particular school of magic, yet being taught in another?'

You tell Narlock 'one moment'

Balkesar nods.

You say 'what did you tell narlock on this topic'

You say 'I'm curious'

Balkesar says 'Im not sure what yee ask'

Narlock tells you 'is this true?'

Balkesar says 'He asked questions such as how do conjurers see the invisible'

You say 'did narlock ask a similar question of you for induction?'

You say 'yes'

Balkesar nods.

You tell Narlock 'give me one moment, and I'll answer your question'

You tell Narlock 'with a more accurate answer'

Balkesar says 'I told him that conjurers contact the other planes of existance to get the desired outcome'

You say 'and did he ask you how each other school saw it?'

Balkesar shakes his head.

Balkesar says 'he did not'

Balkesar says 'wait..'

Balkesar says 'He did ask for necromancy'

You say 'and what did you say?'

Balkesar says 'i told him that they focus the negative energy they've harnessed to achieve the spell'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'do you recall what other questions he asked you?'

Balkesar sits down and thinks deeply.

Balkesar says 'He asked me of each magic and to describe it'

Balkesar sits down and thinks deeply.

You nod.

Balkesar says 'Oh bother, what else did he ask me'

Balkesar paces up and down irritably.

Balkesar says 'oh yea'

Balkesar says 'he asked me barsimmons middle name'

Balkesar smirks.

<799hp 1065m 452mv> You chuckle politely.

You say 'what else of magic?'

You say 'do you remember?'

Balkesar says 'I am trying to remember..'

You nod.

Balkesar says 'much has happened since then'

Balkesar sits down and thinks deeply.

Narlock tells you 'I asked a simple question. Why have you not replied?'

You tell Narlock 'I will reply. Just have a little more patience'

Balkesar says 'It has slipped my mind'

Balkesar sighs.

Balkesar says 'I honestly cannot recall'

You mutter quietly to yourself.

Balkesar says 'If you like'

You say 'did he ask much more of you?'

Balkesar says 'I can send a scroll to yee if i remember'

You say 'that won't be necessary'

Balkesar says 'Not a lot more'

You nod.

Balkesar says 'I remember we spent much time discussing magic'

You tell Narlock 'where are you now, so that we might speak in person?'

Balkesar says 'That was the bulk of it i believe'

Narlock tells you 'Meet me on the Fourth Level of the old Tower.'

You tell Narlock '*nod*'

You say 'I go to speak with Narlock'

Bfarido says 'As you wish'

You say 'letting you know so you don't sit here waiting for me'

You say 'thank you for your time'

You tell Narlock 'I come'

<799hp 981m 126mv> Fourth Level

[Exits: down]
(Invis) Narlock is here.

Narlock smiles happily.

Narlock bows deeply.

You say 'now then..'

Narlock says 'Welcome'

Narlock says 'Please explain'

You say 'when I joined this Tower, Hifflio was the one to conduct my final interview...'

Narlock nods.

You say 'before that, Merisila interviewed me'

Narlock nods.

You say 'and Xolthul did some partially'

You say 'though him and I kept getting interrupted'

Narlock nods.

You say 'but reguardless of the interruptions, Xolthul, Merisila, and Hifflio all shared the same views on magic'

You say 'I was asked many of the same questions from each of them, though a bit more from Hifflio'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'which is understandable'

Narlock says 'That aside, why would you refuse to speak with Bfarido?'

You say 'I'm getting to that'

You say 'all of those three were impressed by my responses, and felt that I had a great deal of understanding already'

You say 'understanding of magic, that is'

Narlock nods.

You say 'now you have become leader'

You say 'and you being interviewing me again..'

Narlock says 'Do you know why I did this?'

You say 'yes I do, but let me finish'

You say 'the first question you ask me'

You say 'about the spell detect invis'

You say 'you worded it a certain way, which led me to believe that what I have believed for years, and what Hifflio and Merisila believed as well, was incorrect'

You say 'after stumbling for an answer, and being told I was wrong, I go back to my study to ponder it'

You say 'and I came to the conclusion that I wasn't wrong'

You say 'nor were any of them'

You say 'so I come back and tell you my answer'

You say 'and you tell me I'm wrong, and then walk out of the room, and being an elf, I don't notice you, so am left there talking to myself'

Narlock smirks.

You say 'THIS is what insulted me, even more than the questions and answers'

Narlock says 'Indeed that was not my intenion, often I am quite busy.'

Narlock says 'I have recieved scrolls from other Masters, regarding your conduct, knowledge and that you showed little eagerness to learn. Indeed, that is why I questioned You.'

Narlock says 'that is why we spoke.'

Narlock says 'now, continue'

You say 'I'll get back to that comment in a moment, but first I'll finish what I was going to say'

Narlock nods.

You say 'though I can tell you now, my time is growing short so we'll have to make this as quick as possible'

Narlock nods.

You say 'though not give up any accuracy for that'

You say 'I also find it very strange that the things I believed, and answers I gave, which were amazingly accurate and correct for one leader, and two Lord adepts, and then the proceeding leader, are suddenly wrong the moment you step up'

You say 'can you explain this?'

Narlock says 'You are able to alter your eyes to see past the bent light. Indeed even our applicants know this.'

Narlock says 'That is not what you told me'

Narlock sits down and rests.

You say 'on the contrary, that IS what I told you about how I see invis'

Narlock says 'Indeed it is, and then how do I see the invisible?'

You say 'and with the misleading wording of your question, I first saught a different answer than what I believed to be true, but after returning to my study, and coming back with my answer, that you see in the same way, that it is a cross-over of'

You say 'schools, you tell me I'm wrong, and walk out'

You say 'the second answer is the correct one'

Narlock says 'I will ask this once more. How does a Conjurer see the invisible?'

You say 'I know what answer you're looking for...'

Narlock says 'Matters not what I am looking for, it matters if indeed you are correct'

Narlock says 'It can be explained many ways.'

You say 'indeed'

You say 'you're waiting for me to say that they see the invisable through contact with another plane'

You say 'but that is not true'

You say 'invis, and detect invis both fall under the schools of transmutation'

You say 'they alter the state of being of the target'

Narlock says 'So, how then would a Conjurer know this spell?'

You say 'which is the deffinition of transmutation'

You say 'it is a basic spell'

You say 'one of several which is taught to ALL the schools of magic'

You say 'to help the young student better grasp the flow of magic'

Narlock says 'And indeed they all use their Magic alone to see it.'

<799hp 1100m 452mv> You say 'but it is a transmutation spell'

You say 'and it is cast almost identical throughout all the schools'

Narlock says 'A conjurer Shifts his body between the material plane and the ethereal plane. This allows him to see the invisible on the ethereal plane.''

Narlock says 'Indeed it is not'

You say 'invis is not on the ethereal plane'

Narlock says 'What then of a Necromancer?'

You say 'the same'

You say 'same for an invoker'

Narlock says 'I told you to learn these things yesterday. Why did you not?'

You say 'ok, tell me something...'

Narlock says 'Still you continue to argue and fight with me. You refuse to listen to anyone.'

Narlock says 'What?'

You say 'if a necromancer makes himself invis by negative energy, and sees it by canceling positive energy, how then can 'I' see invis, when I don't cancel positive energy?'

You say 'or a conjurer who goes invis by being on the ethereal plane?'

<799hp 1058m 452mv> You say 'when I can't shift my body between the prime material, and ethereal plane?'

You say 'as for your comment about me refusing to learn, it's quite the contrary'

Narlock says 'Indeed you alter your eyes. Each Magic has its own way of seeing such things.'

You say 'the refusal to believe something which you KNOW is not true, isn't refusing to learn'

You say 'it's refusing to be mislead by someone who doesn't know what you know'

You say 'or understand what you do'

Narlock chuckles politely.

Narlock says 'Indeed it seems Others in the Tower agree with me'

You say 'thus far, my belief of detecting invis has been backed by two leaders, and two adepts'

You say 'Hifflio, Jafel, Merisila, and Xolthul'

Narlock says 'Indeed Xolthul will not agree with you.'

You say 'invis has nothing to do with the ethereal plane'

<799hp 1078m 452mv> You say 'I can garrentee you that'

You have been inducted into None.
You say 'and it has nothing to do with negative or positive energy'

<799hp 1099m 452mv> You say 'bah!'

Narlock says 'When you are willing to learn, we will again speal'

Narlock says 'speak'

You say 'you, as leader, need to KNOW what you speak of'

<799hp 940m 452mv> You say 'and not just simply think that you do'

Narlock says 'When you are willing to learn, we will again speal'

Narlock says 'When you are willing to learn, we will again speak'

You say 'I"m always willing to learn'

<799hp 984m 452mv> Narlock says 'then when you have learned something, we will again speak. I wish you to gain teh recommendation of Juxposona'

You say 'but one who does not have faith in his beliefs, and easily changes them, one without confiction behind his beliefs is a fool'

You say 'er, conviction'

Narlock says 'Perhaps, but who is th stuborn fool now? The one who refuses to listen to his peers?'

You say 'how about one who has had much more experience in this Tower than even you'

Narlock says 'Clearly Lord Nepenthe doesn't see it that way.'

You say 'and who's knowledge of magic has been MORE than sufficient to get him inducted by a much stricter and more knowledgeable leader than you'

Narlock says 'Indeed, I did not seek this position. Still I will run it as I belief it should be handled.'

Narlock says 'I cannot speak for that which happened in the past. Some things change, and Indeed a Master will be willing to except change'

You say 'perhaps Lord Nepenthe has not noticed me, but I've not made attempts to be noticed'

Narlock says 'I grow tired of your whinning, do as I ask, and the Tower will take you back.'


Narlock says 'Nor had I.'

You say 'I devote myself to learning what I can, and preserving the Tower from it's enemies'

Narlock smiles happily.

Narlock says 'Good, then begin that journey'

Narlock stands up.

Narlock utters the words, 'xafe ay candusqarr'.
Narlock disappears.

You tell Narlock 'but someone who accepts the first thing he is told by someone, is a bloody fool, and easily confused'

Narlock tells you 'Keep it up, and you will never walk in the Tower.'

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