was fun friend, always been and no in reality I understood perfectly well the attack. n/t:

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Posted by Chaldaie on August 25, 2000 at 07:52:16:

In Reply to: [DELETED] Asihara the Invoker Hero posted by Asihara, and I still love my (DIP) sign! on August 24, 2000 at 14:59:15:

> I'm gone. It was blast, and most funny character to play.
> To those, who are interested/asked:

> You are Asihara the Invoker Hero, level 51, 560 years old (508 hours).
> You are old.
> Race: gnome Sex: male Class: invoker Hometown: Arkham
> You have 885/885 hit, 997/1002 mana, 475/475 movement.
> You have 6 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 19/29 items.
> Your items weigh 105 kilograms and 328 grams (maximum of 148 kilograms).
> Str: 15(18) Int: 23(23) Wis: 25(25) Dex: 18(17) Con: 13(14) Chr: 18(19)
> You have scored 533190 exp, and have 539773 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 250 hit points.
> You are standing.
> Armor: pierce: -169 bash: -160 slash: -174 magic: -100
> You are divinely armored against piercing.
> You are divinely armored against bashing.
> You are divinely armored against slashing.
> You are almost invulnerable to magic.
> Hitroll: 10 Damroll: 17.
> You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Balance.

> airshield 100% armor 96% avalanche 100%
> buffet 100% cancellation 91% channel heat 100%
> charge weapon 100% conglaciation 100% controlled fireball 100%
> create spring 100% create water 100% cyclone 100%
> detect invis 100% detect magic 71% dispel magic 96%
> earthquake 100% earthshield 100% faerie fire 87%
> faerie fog 94% fireball 100% fireshield 100%
> forked lightning 100% frost fingers 100% frostshield 100%
> geyser 100% iceneedles 100% iceshards 100%
> identify 100% immolation 100% improved invis 100%
> infravision 72% invis 99% lightning bolt 100%
> locate object 100% pass door 100% teleport 100%
> ventriloquate 94% word of recall 100% dagger 100%
> mace 100% whip 100% hand to hand 97%
> parry 100% second attack 100% lash 75%
> fast healing 100% haggle 82% meditation 100%
> scrolls 71% staves 74% wands 89%
> recall 100% trance 100% cone of cold 100%
> wind wall 100% spellcraft 100% wall of fire 100%
> tsunami 100% drown 100% icicle 100%
> elemental weapon 75% engulf 100% insect swarm 95%
> windwalk 93% wall of thorns 83% beast call 75%
> chameleon 100% strengthen 71% nova 100%
> shield of flames 100% shocking touch 100% pillar of the heavens 100%
> lightningshield 100% shield of electricity 100% shield of winds 100%
> vortex 100% quicksand 100% pebble to boulder 100%
> stoneshatter 100% shield of earth 100% watershield 100%
> pen 71%

> Farewells:
> There are too many guys to remember.... I will sure forget someone to mention, don't get angry on me.

> Pikel, Mendeiron and Jaemaen - my best friend there and most interesting guys to
> play with. Sadrach, damn you - you shouldn't autodelete... You know why it made me mad.
> Promenas - fun one! Malaglen, I still remember you. Kamal, well, what can I say...
> don't take ooc as ic. Though maybe it was your RP. *snicker*

> It was my first invoker/mage in last two years and second character after I got back to CF.
> First was lousy elven ragner - Quzhunari.

> Masters: I respected only Oroxazrian. Probably Viscrinth. Not always.
> Entroy: didn't interacted with many. Maquiavel? Ah, entroy lich - you know your shit. But killing
> again and again and again naked ranger? This sucks, though I understand your greed for
> phylacteries. (Yes, I was not hiding from you, I though you have some balls... but alas).
> Empire: I watched five or like emperors changed. Drindremre, no, I didn't outlived you *giggle*
> Gharik, you were only one I respected. Ah, and Quinthen - was fun to talk with you.
> Arbiter: You are worst people in game (and probably in life) I ever interacted with.
> Using any hole in law to flag people - you are sick. No wonder, why you were disbanded.
> Scarab: Didn't met any of you, except Draktha. That was hurt, though I kicked her too *flex*
> Battle: Challen (eh, Dhaevor) - having friends to inform you, where I was spamming immolation... pity.
> I respected some of you (whom I saved in the sands of sorrow? You was a good lad! *laugh*)
> Troupe: hm... banned me from the inn - and I killed only once there. I think I lost some milliards there,
> gambling.
> Dawns: Only one I remember - Chaldaie. Perfect, always respected you, and interraction with you
> always was very interesting... I hope you aren't upset in reality on me fir that attack ;)
> Maran: Did I had friends there? I don't remember...

> Immortals: Sebeok, I didn't interracted too much with you, but all talks we had was funny.
> Uller - eh, you there? I saw you only once in my life I think.
> Twist/Balgrimnr - who I am to critique immortals? But I think, you could
> not despise mortals so much. Yes, being proud must be cool. But you know,
> perfecting quicksand, conglatiation and something else (includes immolation,
> when Dhaevor got me) - this was ugly. Besides, becoming a human wasn't my fault.

> Forgive me, if I didn't mention you here... but I really can't remember you all!

> My dear elitists: you all are funny. I know guys of your kind in RL... it always sad.
> here goes elite flame.

> I am no more.

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