My Farewell:

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Posted by Aniedra on August 25, 2000 at 20:26:18:

Well, I deleted. I haven't had any time at all to play lately, due to concerns from real life and such, and when I finally managed to log Ani back on a few days ago I realized I just didn't have the heart to play her anymore. I'd lost touch with the character, and felt really alienated to both my cabal and others.. she was always a lone wolf type, and never really could open herself up to anyone. She was leader only by a quirk of fate, and while she tried to do her best at that, it only caused her to feel more alone, since she didn't feel like she could share her burdens, not in the sense of passing off duties, but in the sense of having a very close friend to share troubles with. I enjoyed the character greatly, though, and loved her interactions with the many people she met.

I kind of regret not having a chance to talk to Balgrimnr about his religion, as I was sphere honor, but becoming leader really killed any free time I had. I was almost always either raiding, defending, re-equipping, or interviewing. It seemed like within the first 20 minutes of any login, I'd have five people waiting in line for interviews already, which left almost zero time to practice and rank (I was way behind on practicing my spec skills),
let alone go pray.

I'd post my role, but I don't have a copy of it.


Too many of you to name.. Kealiran, Barsimmon, Lladrimier, Trifiv, Glyn, Ayragus, Adrhesa, Ikemasuka, Magtograme, and many many others. I'd like to thank everyone who served as a Rager under her. Ani gave her all for the cabal, and in the end it really burned me out. I think it was worth it though, and I see the strength of the cabal now, and all the people that I inducted who've grown up to become heroes, which is a far cry from how things were when I started as leader. Do well, all of you, and remember what I always said.. Keep the Faith. It's what's in your heart that counts, not kills, items, or any of that. Nobody can take away your honor and courage, unless you give it up willingly. Thank you all again, it was a great honor to serve as your Leader.

To the Battle Imms: Thanks for giving me the chance to lead. I didn't really want it, in truth, but I tried to do my best, since anything less wouldn't have been in character. Kind of ironic, since on my first login after getting inducted by Magtograme, POW, I'm leader. I sort of regret not staying to see if I could be a Veteran, and get a title (I wanted to be the Fiery Valkyrie, or something like that, in a reference to her red hair). Ah well.

Shenara, I really enjoyed talking to you. Congratulations on Immorting. To those who wonder what my intentions were.. I did want Peace, at least in as realistic a sense as I could get. I had no illusions I could ever make us friends, but I figured we could at least work out some kind of informal accord to not take each other's items, or not loot corpses, or something like that. Guess not.. ironically it was the Masters who seemed to strike first each time. I'd sort of expected them to be more interested in Battle fighting with Empire more, and the Tower less. As an ex-master, I found it ironic also that the arrogant attitude a lot of the Masters copped really played right into the hands of Ani's personal theory on magic and its influence on those who use it. She started with her hatred of magic laid as a foundation, and interactions from there on out built on it. Had she encountered more people like Shenara, as opposed to Betazenth/Jafel/Merisila/etc, Ani's hatred of the magic might have crumbled (the potential was there, in my mind, at least).

Enjoyed my talks with most of you. I was glad I was able to patch things up between Battle and Lightwalkers in general, following all the trouble with Minalcar. Eoworef, sorry, but Ani was a noble elf, and sort of snobbish in a few ways, and marriage was one of them. Solian, Feiriel, Chaldaie, Kelron, and many others, thanks again.

Entropy, Arbiter: Not too many relations here. Zorszaul, are you even alive still? I always wanted a chance to fight you, even if I knew I'd almost certainly die.

Empire: My preferred choice of targets if I had any. Too bad I wasn't that great a fighter (probably died about as many times as I killed, but I was good at re-equipping quickly). I think my tactics were alright, even if mostly they were designed to minimize my drawbacks as an elf. Havilahd, you were pretty tough, even if you never managed to kill me.. one tip, you had a strong advantage over me in our early encounters which you never took advantage of (at least successfully), which sort of surprised me. Wanievre, I was surprised that time you returned my gear.. I certainly never would have as an Imperial. It's why I ordered some of your stuff returned that one time later, but you probably know that. Khayr, that talk was interesting, but after a point we could only exchange threats so many times before it starts to becoming irritating.

Scarab: Never really talked to many of you aside from Thalen. (And you're a bastard for not mentioning me in your goodbye note. Hmph! Otherwise you were cool, I liked our interaction.. was certainly something different.) In general Ani refused to help raid or hold the Icon, mainly because her war was against magic, not religions, not even evil ones. She saw the Cult as just that, nor one that was even necessarily pure evil, from her talks with Thalen.

Troupe: You were a pleasure to be around. Proserpina, I really liked you. I wish we could have talked more, but that was the life of a rager. Congratulations on immorting. Arvam, you were pretty cool too. Ani never attacked in the Inn (at least that I remember, I might have once at low level before induction or such), as she tried to act in a somewhat civilized manner, and didn't think that it was polite for a guest to act in such a manner against the express wishes of her hosts. I always wanted to spend more time in the Lyceum reading, but rager life, especially as a Leader, left me no time for that.

Sylvan: Wish there were more of you around. Gelegrein was the only one I really knew.. thanks for all the times you helped me out there. Sorry to hear you con died.

Whew. It's time for me to take a break, I really just don't have the time for this anymore.
Good luck all of you, and thanks again.

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