hmmm some old things that pop to mind:

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Posted by Aurstal on August 29, 2000 at 22:10:40:

In Reply to: Poll: What is the toughest situation one of your characters has ever had to overcome? (text) posted by Strelno on August 27, 2000 at 20:07:47:

A lot of times(never heroed so all these are rank 45 against heroes) masters would raid in large numbers against myself and maybe another
2 or 3 times I fell back during the raid, simply too many, but ran back after it and stole the head back.
Another time a group of Imperials were raiding, a couple transies, shaman I think, and I forget what else
two other ragers I think defending(was a while back now)
well I am after Genofen I think it was, or some other arcane muter emperor, doing well too
he was near dead fled, from near grime, followed and held at blood square
now the three or four imperials still there in my range for some reason were standing right there, with me unable to do a damn thing and at about 150 health
I was armed well so doing good damage to them all when they were fighting me just before this
So they decide to just finish the raid and leave me standing there, once held none of them tried to attack me again, they all just left with the head *shrugs*
It felt bad not being able to stop them, but damn I was amazed that I lived
> Something, either roleplayed or physical situation that seemed impossible to get past but still was?

> My example: I was stuck in about a 90K hole as an invoker on level 34... That was during the rager boom (before they kinda fell out a bit) so it was tough to find groups to rank with. Worse, hardly anyone else would either because I didn't have nova. It took nearly a month of active playing to gain a rank. But I did it:)

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