We only interacted a few times, but you helped my get EQ one of those. Wish you were around more when I was. (n/t):

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Posted by Zepachu on August 30, 2000 at 06:10:25:

In Reply to: Yep, I am gone, have been for awhile. posted by Tyldur on August 30, 2000 at 01:46:01:

> I made Tyldur just to be a dick, thought I would give a drow spear/dagger spec a go. He was a dick to all he met, guess that is why I really didn't like him much. I had almost everything perfected with him too, what a waste. Oh well, sometimes imperials are cool, sometimes not. I stopped playing Tyldur when I moved to different apartments and was waiting for my new dsl to get hooked up and since that took about 3 months, I lost the feel for playing him. Oh well. I have a pic for him if I could ever figure out how to get it to post to....

> Peace.

> Boogs.

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