sigh , Lost my favorite cat, I better take care of that birdy or i'll pass away as well. ( Be well Arasow, I really enjoy our time together N/T?):

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Posted by Chaldaie on September 5, 2000 at 17:45:23:

In Reply to: I'm dust, the usual rambling sort of farewell note for anyone who cares... posted by Arasow on August 31, 2000 at 20:51:58:

> Well, I haven't been around much at all lately, so I figured whats the point, and gave him the axe. Tried for a slightly off beat role and failed miserably. Yet another one of those oddly shifty assassin types, just as a Dawnie. The felar assassin combo was fun though, and sad as it may be, this was probably one of my more successful chars in terms of fighting. Anyways, on to the rambling part where I say bye to people.

> Dawn: Fun as always. Had a good time with the old guard. Musahd, Chaldaie, Iracundar, Nivek, Ceorkhan and of course, Azerak, we had some good times, a pleasure. And of course, lastly and most importantly, Shalandria, you were great, but you already know that. A shame we couldn't see each other much in the end.

> Troupe: The secondary Haven. I spent more time there than some Troupers I think. Astillian, Gadinias, three stick out in my mind. Probably missed a few, but..its been awhile, throw me a bone?

> Battle: Yep, they're still there.

> Master: Nobody's coming to mind.

> Entropy: Jeurno, I thought you were pretty interesting, shame about the duck.

> Arbiter: Again, didn't know many

> Scarab: I can remember ranking up with Ingvar as he was heading for Scarab, I'd thought actually about actually going pure, and getting that lovely scarab curse near the end, but, didn't feel like following though.

> Empire: Just the usual odd fights. Drin, you stick out in my mind, never really fought, just had "encounters"

> Sylvan: Hmm....outta make one of these sometime

> Ok, I think I've met the sufficent rambling requirements for a farewell post. If I missed anyone, you know the drill. Oh, and felar are superior. *nods sagely*

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