Are full-stops (.) not taught in schools now? Juz joking. n/t:

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Posted by Leorinth on September 6, 2000 at 21:08:09:

In Reply to: Farewell posted by Drekten on September 6, 2000 at 19:22:40:

> Well after trying to get back into CF i'v failed none of my characters have worked and i'm just about bored of the internet in general Not going to see me much at all anyway i'd post my list of characters but none of them really matter save drekten For those i talk to on icq, no worries i'll be on from time to time and i'm sure Astillian will be able to talk me into making a new character when a new race/class comes out. Well i don't want to drag on, so. I'll miss you guys CF has been a great experiance and the IMMS are the best staff of People around catch you all later ;)

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